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Member Since 27 May 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2020 03:58 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: PvM, PvP, Skilling, Community, Raids!

05 June 2018 - 12:17 PM

Name: Resembool
Discord: Resembool#9970

Play time: e49a448a86.jpg

Time zone: UTC0
Account type: Normie
Reason for joining / Recruited by: Looking for an active clan to play with others. I like to PvM and learn new things, doing that with other people makes it a lot more fun!

In Topic: Pest Control Rewards

05 June 2018 - 10:47 AM

I'll support this, I still need to grind out Void body/bottoms, but having the incentive to keep going back would be nice.

Perhaps as to not make it so easy for Iron man accounts, the point cost could be increased? Then there's more input needed to claim the rewards, and for normies, less materials flowing in-game causing too much inflation?

In Topic: PvP Areas that disallow protect item

05 June 2018 - 03:21 AM

I don't PvP, however I've seen a bunch of people join the Alora CC and ask if the server has active PvP only to be told it's dominated by PvE.

Perhaps if it had a high risk incentive, we could keep those that decide to look elsewhere for their high risk PvP fix?


In Topic: Super Antifire Potion Timer

05 June 2018 - 03:19 AM

Been a couple of times where I've been hit for a large amount of damage from fire, just because I was a tick away from having the protection!


In Topic: Alora Newspaper 06/04/2018

05 June 2018 - 03:12 AM

NIce morning read with my breakfast, thanks for the server newspaper :)