- staf
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- Most Respected: f 8
- Most Potential Promotion: systemic
- Funniest Staff Member: 40a for the lul
- Overall Best Staff Member:systemic
- Players
- Most Active In-game: eim ctrl
- Most Active on Forums: sorry ive no answer
- Most Active on Discord: sorry ive no answer
- Most Active Overall: tyeb
- Most Wealthy: systemic
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- Most Friendly: eim smalls
- Most Respected: eim ctrl
- Coolest Veteran: sorry ive no answer
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- Best Edgeville Pker: tyeb
- Best Hybrid: @King purple
- Best NH Pker:sorry ive no answer
- Best PvMer: eim smalls
- Best Raider: tyeb
- Best Skiller:grimylocky
- Best Clan: FancyRamen
- Best Ironman:sorry ive no answer
- Best Hardcore Ironman: sorry ive no answer
- Best Ultimate Ironman:sorry ive no answer
- Best Elite Ironman: eimryuu
- Best Classic Player: sorry ive no answer
- Best GFX Designer: sorry ive no answer
- Best Youtuber: sorry ive no answer
- Best Streamer: not Lowkey
- Top Overall: systemic
- Alora
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: elite roro
Community Stats
- Group Elite Ironman
- Active Posts 9
- Profile Views 1,873
- Time Online23h 2m 9s
- Member Title Newbie
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
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Game Activity
elite roro has reached level 99 in Magic!
Jan 18, 2019 2:56 pmelite roro has slain Kraken a total of
500 times!
Dec 31, 2018 6:00 amPosts I've Made
In Topic: [June] Community Awards!
24 June 2018 - 08:34 PM
In Topic: Massive suggestion list [More to be added!]
11 June 2018 - 11:28 AM
You need to read more, no offense. I said an extra 20 minutes instead of the standard 60. The conversion is well thought because regardless of what method or training style you decide to do, it will still be a lengthy grind. It's not like you're going to go grind out 32.5M experience on classic and THEN decide to convert to elite classic.
5 time the osrs rate still faster than 2 right ?
and yeah my bad for this missread
In Topic: Massive suggestion list [More to be added!]
11 June 2018 - 11:21 AM
that a good idea but im a bit against the conver mode its like imma do early lvl on clasic then become an elite clasic and 20 minute of voting book instead of 1h every 12h i think ill make an clasic use it on it then conver in elite
you need to think a bit more about detail but gl