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EIM Reddit

Member Since 01 May 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2020 08:51 AM

#265330 Best RNG?

Posted by EIM Reddit on 03 February 2019 - 03:58 PM

i got 2 mutagens, 4 cseed 3 onyx, and got like 400 kills on my eim so ur not ven close to my unlucky at zulrah

#257689 Black Mask - Kill Count #2 & #4

Posted by EIM Reddit on 17 January 2019 - 02:30 PM

Thats some nice RNG right there, hope it doesnt affect your RNG at other things :P

#257313 GIM PROGRESS #1

Posted by EIM Reddit on 16 January 2019 - 03:09 PM

Nice progress so far, keep it up!

#256127 Visage set complete on the EIM!

Posted by EIM Reddit on 13 January 2019 - 03:59 PM

Congrats 40a :)

  • 40a likes this

#254306 Giving HCIM a shot again!

Posted by EIM Reddit on 09 January 2019 - 05:10 PM

Wassup folks,


Started a HC yesterday as i enjoy playing this game again. 

I am not gonna record anything for my progress, i;m just gonna show some pics if you dont mind :D



This are the stats right now:





Also in the last 2 days i gave over 800m away on my normie to some new people on the server, if you read this, goodluck with the grind and have fun with the items i gave to you!! ( my normie is officialy broke now :D )



Yours sincerly, 



#252032 Tried my luck at Duel Arena

Posted by EIM Reddit on 04 January 2019 - 09:05 PM

Hello guy's its been so long since i posted a thread even played the game, so i decided to check my bank and had 200m left on my normie so i went to the Duel Arena.




I Didnt and before the dude died u turned pray melee on, but luckily for me i still won the fight!






If someone recognise me and want to know where i have been. Well, i enjoy playing OSRS again. Maybe i start playing Alora again in the future!!



Thanks for reading my post :)

#214596 My Goals after reeching Maxed!

Posted by EIM Reddit on 03 September 2018 - 10:29 AM

Since i maxed out my account i've set a couple of Goals for myself to keep enjoying this server!





Twisted Bow

Spirit Shields ( Arcane, Spectral, Elysian )

Max Melee and Magic gear ( I have Max Range gear )

Elite Void Set ( Never did PC on my normie )

Reach 10b bank. ( 560m / 10b )



For now these are my Goals and i will update once every 2 weeks or so as some of these will take a very long time!







#213430 Wilderness Activity

Posted by EIM Reddit on 29 August 2018 - 05:38 PM

I know king purple does the events, but this is more an addition to make pvp and the wilderness more active, as it is dead most of the time. but thanks for the feedback anyways.

No support. When it comes to your suggestions regarding tournaments, we already have several weekday and weekend events every single week thanks to @king purple. In regards to suicide killing, people being in the wilderness at all is a risk, it is up to them how many items they do or don’t bring into the wilderness they should not be penalized for it. Your last suggestion, maybe add some new items to the PKP shop but I don’t think an entire new shop is necessary.

#213422 Wilderness Activity

Posted by EIM Reddit on 29 August 2018 - 05:01 PM

Hello and welcome to my idea to improve activity to the Wilderness.


To improve the Wilderness activity i have a few ideas that can help the activity and gets people to pk more.


- Weekly tournaments ( clan vs clan ) can also be singles

- Weekend tournaments ( clan vs clan ) can also be singles

- Suiciding kills Wilderness Bosses

- New rewards for killing people in the Wilderness


Weekly Tournaments:


During the weekly tournament it can be clan vs clan or just singles tournament for every kill you make you get 3 points and for every death you lose 3 points, for every 5 kills you make without going down you receive 1 point extra. When you kill your Target, you get 1 point extra aswell. Be aware you CANT boost your points.


At the end of the tournament the top 5 will receive a reward. something like this: 1st: 4x bond 2nd: 3x bond 3th: 1x bond 4th 7.500 pkp 5th 5.000 pkp


Weekend Tournaments:


During the weekend tournaments it can be pking or who killed the most wilderness bosses, ranking system basically the same as above but now you only receive 1 point for every boss kill. But be aware you can get pked. Rewards after the tournament is finished can be the same as above ( Omicron or Event Managers decides what the rewards are ofcourse ).


Suiciding kills Wilderness Bosses:


I see alot of people in the wilderness just running with 1 or 2 items in the wilderness, such as suiciding killing Venenatis. I think this should be removed as its to easy to kill Venenatis in the wilderness, it should be a risk killing it.



New rewards for killing people in the Wilderness:


For this i really dont have an idea but i think they should add a new system or add a new PKP shop with different items as the PKP shop we have now is basically the same for so long. Maybe add a system that you get Blood money and with the Blood money you get when you killed someone in the wilderness you can buy on of the new items in the new PK shop.



Thanks for reading and give me some feedback about my ideas.






#195675 [June] Community Awards!

Posted by EIM Reddit on 22 June 2018 - 09:21 AM



Best Admin: @Salter


Best Global Moderator: @To Gain


Best Forum Moderator: Kaamea


Best Server Moderator: @To Gain


Best Event Manager: @F 8


Best Server Support: @ Dylain


Most active on Discord: 


Most active In-game: @To Gain


Most active on Forums: @ Dylain


Most Respected: @Lowkey / @EIM Systemic


Most Potential Promotion: @Dutchie


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Lowkey






Most Active In-game: @EIM 1gp


Most Active on Forums: N/A


Most Active on Discord: N/A


Most Active Overall: @EIM Systemic


Most Wealthy: @ 908


Most Addicted to Gambling: @NOT HUMAN


Most Friendly: Everyone i talk with


Most Respected: @Omicron


Coolest Veteran: @Dutchie / @40a


Best Helper: @ Dylain


Best Edgeville Pker: N/A


Best Hybrid: N/A


Best NH Pker: N/A


Best PvMer: @Everyone


Best Raider: N/A


Best Skiller: @Everyone


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Dutchie


Best Hardcore Ironman: N/A


Best Ultimate Ironman: N/A


Best Elite Ironman: @Ascus


Best Classic Player: N/A


Best GFX Designer: @EIM 7


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 

#195166 Glass Blowing

Posted by EIM Reddit on 20 June 2018 - 04:34 PM

Support this as it is a pain in the ass to train crafting on EIM!!

#193669 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by EIM Reddit on 14 June 2018 - 06:38 PM

Account Name (IGN) - EIM Reddit
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank -  Not really a say about this but, i have been active alot and try to help when and where i can!
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE is the biggest clan in Alora and really helpfull when you're in need of any assistance.

#190297 Omicron Thank You Video

Posted by EIM Reddit on 02 June 2018 - 01:43 PM

Its a really nice video from you guys. But dont get me wrong here with the music it sounded like a goodbye video or something :P

#189716 Staff Update 5/31/2018

Posted by EIM Reddit on 31 May 2018 - 04:56 PM

Congrats tp the people who have been promoted and also @Dutchie congrats on being server support now, u deserved the most of them all as i see you active and helping alot of people through yell and ice cc! 


And i wish the best to @Hot Cakes and @Another Cow sad to see you both go!!

#187772 Hunter Fixes

Posted by EIM Reddit on 23 May 2018 - 03:54 PM

Support. Takes to long for a EIM to get to 53 ( 63 if you're not a donor ). And imps should atlest have 2.5 times more exp than they give now ( my opinion ).