nice video!
- Skill 99 likes this
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Good luck!
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@hc adex
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on my side experiences should be 8-10x because i ve already have almost maxed elite ironman.
that would be to much for me to max another account with the same experiences.
also would be nice to have 5 people in that *group ironman* to makes pots, fletchs , crafts, or fishes for each other.
aswell a competition would be nice too like 1v1 royale.
aswell bloody keys is nice too so wildernes will be more active people will fite each other of crystal dragon/demons.
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I love alora because: alora events are hosted every weekend and i wanted to thank to @king purple and other staff members for hosting them. there is a lot to do, to play with nice a game modes, and of course the competitions like pvm world cup, the king of the skill, and much more! thanks @Omicron for all that.
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What is your suggestion?:
so i decided to suggest about ::meet for clanchat, its good for giveaways/pking and maybe talk with players by meeting.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
i dont think this suggestion has been suggested already, but i'd checked that, and didnt found any information about it so i decided to suggest it.
How would this benefit Alora?:
it would be very good for people who do giveaways so people can yell to join a clanchat and come to ::meet,
its also good for pking when you have an clanchat and you bout to discuss where we meet so it would be simple to do it at ::meet
the ::meet can be made in a mini closed map for simple like ::Event.
i hope you will like my suggestion thanks for reading too!