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03 June 2019 - 10:34 AM
With the new game mode releasing, isn't it perfect time to retire 'Classic' game mode? Good luck to everybody that's going to participate on the tourney!
With the new game mode releasing, isn't it perfect time to retire 'Classic' game mode?
Good luck to everybody that's going to participate on the tourney!
Dumbest comment I've ever read
31 May 2019 - 02:16 PM
Lmaoooooooooooooo, piping about ur multibot not having 1v1, then posting a video with not a single kill being 1v1
Not to mention, none of these kills that were above 5m in loot were peeks, nice try though.
31 May 2019 - 11:09 AM
Actually embarrassing, imagine losing 400m+ in level 4 wildy... Pay ur taxes to stay in wildy liths.