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Member Since 19 Apr 2018
Previous Username: xZenyte
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2024 02:33 PM

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In Topic: Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

15 November 2022 - 07:27 PM

Username: 97 / CrystalCrown

Discord Tag: 97@1887

Game Mode: Normie / Iron

Playtime: Too much o_o

Proof of Combat/Skills: Mankey on me back

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Si papi

Reason for applying to Paragon?: Leave of absence over

Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): The one, the only, 039 senpai

In Topic: Master Clues

02 June 2022 - 10:47 PM

Ok now i understand what you mean.



Hell no i don't support this.



it's just extra steps but the outcome is the same = master clue farming (most likely)

because you can't guarantee someone NOT abusing this feature, even if it's not gonna be you..but someone might.


and that someone = can potentially cause more problems/permanent problems..


and prevention is better than a cure, and knowing before-hand, is always better than figuring out later when all has turned into shit




If you wanna see what this might look like = next time you're in-game, turn on yell and if you see a revenant drop.


replace the revenant drop with "News: X-person has received a 3rd-age Druidic top" #master clue 305

30 seconds later


"News: Y-person has received a 3rd-age Longsword" #master clue 29.


do you now understand what i mean and why this is a shit idea, unless ofc our plan is to fuck alora up beyond repair.


in which case  - let's all just poll that every drop, regardless what it is = is a guaranteed at Kc 50.


Nexling pet? kc 50, if dry

Elysian sigil? kc 50.

scythe? kc 50


this should be a perfect for fucking everything, same as approving this master-clue suggestion

We already have Easy-Elite boxes tho?

In Topic: Master Clues

02 June 2022 - 10:27 PM

OK . let's say Omicron now or whoever is the coder - adds this feature.

it goes like this:


Me get Master clues from scroll box as drops .

me pick up master clue and deposit into bank.

me, after a while, have 1000 master clues.

me does all the clue steps and now i have 1000 master caskets.


if i get a 3rd age - cool, not bad ....i got it.


NOw imagine 50 people minimum doing the same thing.


so your little 3rd age - whatever, if it's now valued at, let's say 2b.

soon it's gonna crash..because chances are = if you're doing clues - so will alot of other people.


because now master clues are stackable - and you can open 100000 master clues and completely crash the 3rd age+ economy.


with 1 master clue-limit = you maintain balance.


i cannot explain this any simpler, if you do not understand at this point = i am amazed

Monsters wouldnt drop Master clues, but Watson would hand over a Master Box instead of a Clue. Same with reward casket giving out Master box instead of Master clue.

In Topic: Master Clues

02 June 2022 - 08:55 PM

This shist took me like 2 minutes to understand wtf you just wrote.


Ok - this Sounds good, same as having a service in-game where you can "Rent" items for an x-AMOUNT of gp and for X-amout of time.

Sounds good right? I can rent an DWH for 5m an hour, get an ely drop, sell ely, buy a dwh, rent items, stack gp etc.

but in reality it's a terrible idea = would fuck up the economy real quick.

Yet, would work in short-term and it would be fun, yet the consequences heavily out-weight the positives.



same with this stackable master clues = Gg all master clue Best drops, imagine people start farming clues to get master and you stack 100 masters, so does joe next to you..you all start getting hella 3rd age drops etc..


so the value drops real fast..unless people quit.

So alora has to become like a revolving door - people start and quit, and with 500 people online, this place is not big enough to have this kind of thing going on.


im tired of writing, read between the lines, friend.

I can't say i understand your point, but thanks for leaving your opinion!

In Topic: Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

30 March 2022 - 04:23 AM

Username: 97 & others
Discord Name: 97 #1887
Game Mode: Normal
Playtime: 64days+
Proof of Combat/Skills: I'll show you my monkey if you show me yours
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes, of course
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Slurv said he'd slap my butt if I didn't - blame him pls