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Elite Buddha

Member Since 18 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2024 04:05 PM

#407950 Thieving Outfit Change/ Arclight creation/ Amethyst Crafting

Posted by Elite Buddha on 28 August 2021 - 09:22 PM

For my suggestion today, I would like to propose a way we could get the thieving outfit without having to spend so many votes to get it which could be used elsewhere especially with the 60 minute cooldown per vote book. These were looked at by me and multiple others just some thoughts I ran by a few people and we came into an agreement on some of these ideas. Please give me feedback.


Thieving outfit: instead of having this in the vote store, we could create a formula where you randomly get a piece of it through thieving. For instance you could be 1000 thieves dry of the top but someone else could get it on their third thieve. Make is specific to stalls or any of the npcs that move.


Arclight Creation: I know that arclight is in the task shop, but could we get an alternative to getting arclight vs using points to buy it? For instance we could decrease the drop rate of say silverlight/darklight for some monsters but add the ability to make our own arclight hidden behind a quest maybe? This way its not completely free and still kind of a grind.


Amethyst Crafting: As it sits all the amethyst crafting options are the same amount of xp no matter the level for instance the base amethyst crafting is 84, but the dart tips will give you the same amount of xp at 89 instead of increasing the amount of xp recieved. Just a thought we could change it slightly to incorporate the actual xp rates, so darts give slightly increased xp rates.

#353253 HC Ashley Completionist Bank [May 2020]

Posted by Elite Buddha on 07 May 2020 - 02:14 PM

Congrats   Ashley! Now its time for Elite ;D

#348882 11's / Wheat Bread's EIM Progress Part 6?..

Posted by Elite Buddha on 14 April 2020 - 12:20 PM

Very Nice :D

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#310623 [17/8/19] Prifddinas & The Gauntlet, Forthos Dungeon & Sarachnis, Com...

Posted by Elite Buddha on 18 August 2019 - 12:26 PM

Amazing update as always! Glad to see its all here and we don't have an issue waiting for updates to come out, just as long as they are this big/recent! :D

#309655 Staff Update 8/11/2019

Posted by Elite Buddha on 11 August 2019 - 09:52 PM

Congratulations both of you @Exmark and @Laardii! Well deserved! Sad to see you go @Mhk hope you come back soon!

#308573 Development Blog #7: Forthos Dungeon, The Gauntlet & Prifddinas

Posted by Elite Buddha on 04 August 2019 - 02:06 AM

Looks amazing as always omi! Hopefully I don't get a pet before Dan ;D

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#308441 Barrows more similar to OSRS

Posted by Elite Buddha on 02 August 2019 - 09:42 PM

Honestly keeping it like that would be fine, it just would give more of an incentive to keep grinding barrows, and if you have other sets complete you'd have that possibility of obtaining one you don't have all the pieces for. +1

Big fan of this idea. What are your thoughts on keeping the random set for 15,000 Barrows points?

#308408 Barrows more similar to OSRS

Posted by Elite Buddha on 02 August 2019 - 02:48 PM

Personally I love this idea, as a ton of people have never really done "real barrows" in osrs. So doing this would make the minigame more challenging therefore more grindable! +1 support! <3 Thanks for the suggestion!

#307638 [27/7/19] Chambers of Xeric Storage Unit, Lunar spell expansion, Chewed bones...

Posted by Elite Buddha on 28 July 2019 - 12:55 PM

Great update! keep em coming :D

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#297347 Development Blog #6: Castle wars and more!

Posted by Elite Buddha on 27 May 2019 - 06:15 PM

Amazing updates as always omicron! :D Can't wait to see what else is in store!

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