Account Name - Dying
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit.
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I'm new to the server, but the second i created my account i've been in the ICE CC. The Star Ranks in ICE are great people, and gave me a really warm welcome, and I absolutely love it in here. I plan on being extremely active in-game/in CC, although, I do have a full-time job which restricts me. Nonetheless, this clan is where I want to be, and continue to be during my time on Alora RSPS.
Do you agree with our rules? - Completely.
Why does ICE Interest you? -
As stated above, everybody in the CC is great, helpful, and very kind towards everybody. It's the main reason why I joined in the first place. They've helped me alot in my short time on Alora. Plus I enjoy being around people with common interests on Alora. Being: EIM/Classic modes.
Thanks for reading!
Chris (Dying)
- EIM Hentai likes this