Well... @
Before you message me read down below:
DON'T PM me for any 2FA / Donation issues, make a thread in the correct section here: https://www.alora.io...rum/13-support/
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11 April 2019 - 08:12 PM
05 December 2018 - 08:50 PM
What is your suggestion?: Being able to make boxed sets
Is this in OSRS?: no
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no
How would this benefit Alora?: This would be a nice quality of life update since these are often traded sets.
Most of you might know you can use for example a dharok's set on the trading post and it will give you a boxed set of dharok's (you do the same to unpack the set).
my suggestion is to be able to do this for the following;
- justiciar set
- ancestral set
- Bandos
- Armadyl
- Custom donation sets like ankou, banshee, mummy, bunny, skeletal
BIG shoutout to
18 November 2018 - 04:15 PM
What is your suggestion?: Improving the rate of drops at the Theatre of Blood.
Is this in OSRS?: Yes, The reddit post I have linked is based on drops from the live OSRS servers.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: A while ago omicron did tweak the droptable in a update however it has not been a suggestion since.
How would this benefit Alora?: As some of you who have done Theatre of Blood on alora might have noticed the droptable seems off compared to the live OSRS servers. Unfortunatly the offical drop table for the Theatre of Blood has remained a secret amongst Jagex moderators.
That makes it hard to determine what the droprates really are. However after a little bit of searching I have found a reddit post which explains the droprate of the Theatre of Blood based on the person with the highest killcount on OSRS. My suggestion is to tweak the droprate accordingly with the information in the reddit thread.
(this post ha been here for a while) Edit:
To explain a bit more in detail, Currently as it stands we see that there is plenty of raids2 items comming into the game. Yes I agree it seems like there is not comming much in-game but this is because of the fact that there is not many people doing raids2. When more people start doing raids2 you can ofcourse expect more items to come into the game.
priority changes would have to be that we can conclude that the droprate of the scythe compared to some others items seems a bit off... Scythe is supossed to be the rarest of all. Currently there is quite a few comming into the game.
Not to mention the very low income of avernic defender hilts and rapiers...
Both these items look like to be the rarest while they should be more of the common ones...
As it stands now I think the staff and justiciar pieces hold a good rate.
Let me know what you think !
The thread: https://www.reddit.c...ate_drop_rates/
Let me know what you think of this suggestion!!
17 September 2018 - 04:29 AM
What is your suggestion?: I think alot of people would love to see a command like ::schedule to show us a list like ::staff or ::commands show us where we can see live timers of in-game events such as bloody key, skotizo, ::event bosses. Shooting star. because when you have logged in for the first time of the day it is very hard without asking others to know when the next event will take place.
Is this in OSRS?: No, Alora exclusive
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I have tried searching for it without succes.
How would this benefit Alora?: This would help players knowing when the events take place so they know when to gear/get ready for the event and so more people can participate in these mini-events.
14 September 2018 - 04:25 AM
What is your suggestion?: PvM Forum award
Is this in OSRS?: No, This is a Alora Exclusive
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I have tried searching for it without succes.
How would this benefit Alora?: There is already a PvP reward and kind of a skilling away for forums so might aswell have an award for PvMers. It gets people to motivate themselves ingames to do more pvming and go for more than just the drops from the boss (forum award).
Requirements: I would say you need the following.
1. 1000kc in 3 bosses
2. 200kc in 2 wilderness bosses
3. 100kc in Chambers of Xeric
4. 100kc in Theatre of Blood
(this is not my decison to make and will be discussed by staff)
Icon ideas:
The current Icon of the slayer skill in-game.
A Sword with blood on it.
A normal skull with blood on it. (not the slayer skill skull)
If anyone that reads this and has an idea for an icon post it here!
Additional examples by @CodeLance :
Slayer Helmet (1k KC on multiple Bosses)
"Unforgiven | Given to those with a kc of over 1000 on 3 different bosses |"
Callisto (200kc in wilderness bosses)
"Unbeatable | Given to those with a kc of over 200 on 3 different wilderness bosses |"
Raids 2 Chest (100kc in Theatre of Blood (100kc in Chambers of Xeric)
"Determined | Achieved 100 kc in the theatre of blood |"
Raids 1 Lootbox (100kc in Chambers of Xeric)
"Persistent | Achieved 100 kc in the Chambers of Xeric |"