100000000000000000000000000000000% support, should defenitly be disabled for the tournament.
- Moe likes this
Before you message me read down below:
DON'T PM me for any 2FA / Donation issues, make a thread in the correct section here: https://www.alora.io...rum/13-support/
I WON'T be handling appeals in PM's, make an appeal here: https://www.alora.io...rum/27-appeals/
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 03 June 2019 - 11:23 PM
I will be supporting this. The current achievements are not nearly as usefull as they should be. They are mostly completed for obtaining the completionist monkey and other than a few dedicated pkers that complete them for the higher % chance of proccing bolts, there is no real reason to complete the achievements other than those 2 reasons.
Would love to see this being implemented in the future.
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 31 May 2019 - 02:50 PM
@EIM 1gp That superrior boy , is old peeks account , s1x7h st0rm in peeks and thotiana also peeks :) all these 3 kills is around 500M
*inhales slowly*
"that superrior boy , is old peeks account"
How is it an old peeks account? It is a spam name from a old clan that was on alora, that clan was called supremacy. How can you claim this is a peeks member out of the blue?
"s1x7h st0rm in peeks and thotiana also peeks"
How are they in peeks if s1x7h st0rm is a solo pker, I personally have sometimes pked with s1x7h st0rm and a few peeks member, this does not make him a member of peeks? the same goes for thotiana.
Stop making false claims.
I will happily 1v1 any member from the clan that call themselves liths, my pms are always on. Feel free to pm me :)
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 31 May 2019 - 02:34 PM
Ok let's do a quick summary:
Clip 1: You killed a Supremacy member, nice loot.
Clip 2: You killed a poor guy with an air staff at mage arena and flexed it....
Clip 3: You have killed a sixth storm member in a 9v4 nice! Wasen't that ur old alliance? #sliths
Clip 4: You win a decent multi war but you don't have proof of the screenshot u eddited in of that actually being from the kills..
All I can see is 1 player "thotiana" dying for a set. Where is the proof on the rest of the loot u showed us?
Clip 5: You killed spunkinurnan with a decent group of people, nice kill unfortunatly I do not know where this guy is from or if he even is in a clan.
Clip 6: You flex a kill on "aeilin" a pretty much full time pvmer from ICE, in a msb > ags tournement!
Clip 7: You did the same as in clip 7, but I do not know where this guy is from or if he is in any clan.
Now hmm... where is the video of you guys claming u pked 500m+ from PEEKS?
I would love to know what caused the anger.. Oh wait, I already know this topic caused it:
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 25 May 2019 - 08:27 PM
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 18 May 2019 - 02:25 PM
Best Event Manager: @Hellish
Best Administrator: @hsoJ / @
Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll
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Best Server Support: @Not Tauri
Most active on Discord:
Most active In-game: @Kharyrll
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Most Respected:
Most Potential Promotion: @Kharyrll
Funniest Staff Member:
Overall Best Staff Member: @
Most Active In-game: @
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Most Active Overall:
Most Wealthy: @
Most Addicted to Gambling:
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Most Respected: @casual
Coolest Veteran: @
Best Helper:
Best Edgeville Pker:
Best Hybrid: @
Best NH Pker: @
Best PvMer: @
Best Raider:
Best Skiller: @Kharyrll
Best Clan: #ICE
Best Ironman:
Best Hardcore Ironman:
Best Ultimate Ironman:
Best Elite Ironman: @kreikka
Best Group ironman (Team):
Best Group Ironman (Player):
Best Classic Player:
Best GFX Designer:
Best Youtuber:
Best Streamer:
Top Overall: @Babadukas
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 04 May 2019 - 03:38 AM
Posted by EIM 1gp
on 19 April 2019 - 09:10 AM
Best Event Manager: Hellish
Best Administrator: hsoJ /
Best Global Moderator: Kharyrll
Best Forum Moderator:
Best Server Moderator:
Best Server Support:
Most active on Discord: Iron Champie
Most active In-game:
Most active on Forums: Loinen22
Most Respected: Somehow
Most Potential Promotion:
Funniest Staff Member:
Overall Best Staff Member: king purple aka papa
Most Active In-game: Kharyrll
Most Active on Forums:
Most Active on Discord: Not Tauri
Most Active Overall: Noobair
Most Wealthy: Hki
Most Addicted to Gambling: Hki
Most Friendly:
Most Respected: Not Tauri
Coolest Veteran:
Best Helper: EIM Ninja
Best Edgeville Pker: king purple
Best Hybrid:
Best NH Pker:
Best PvMer:
Best Raider:
Best Skiller:
Best Clan: #ICE
Best Ironman: Issiel
Best Hardcore Ironman: UAREUGLYHAHA
Best Ultimate Ironman: Dadletics
Best Elite Ironman: Noobair
Best Group ironman (Team):
Best Classic Player: Hades
Best GFX Designer:
Best Youtuber: king purple
Best Streamer:
Top Overall: Babadukas