100000000000000000000000000000000% support, should defenitly be disabled for the tournament.
- Alora
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: EIM 1gp
About Me
Before you message me read down below:
DON'T PM me for any 2FA / Donation issues, make a thread in the correct section here: https://www.alora.io...rum/13-support/
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Community Stats
- Group User
- Active Posts 283
- Profile Views 4,213
- Time Online75d 4h 49m 22s
- Member Title Elite Ironman
- Age 24 years old
- Birthday June 18, 2000
Dark space
Game Activity
EIM 1gp is on a killstreak of 12 and can be shut down for 24% bonus PKP!
Jun 15, 2019 10:50 amEIM 1gp is on a killstreak of 11 and can be shut down for 22% bonus PKP!
Jun 14, 2019 2:11 pmLatest Visitors
Posts I've Made
In Topic: remove realism pkp store
08 June 2019 - 04:11 PM
In Topic: Realism
05 June 2019 - 02:19 PM
2) Make it so if a Realism account/ Normal account kills each other they don't obtain items from either side. Instead maybe an increased amount of PKP depending on the amount risked but at a rate that doesn't make it worth transfering.
(I know pkers wont like this idea)
BIG FAT NO, we are already trying to revive pking by implementing small portions of pking content.
All the other suggestions wouldn't work without implementing this.
Could not hate this suggestion more than I already expressed.
In Topic: Achievement Diary Rework
03 June 2019 - 11:23 PM
I will be supporting this. The current achievements are not nearly as usefull as they should be. They are mostly completed for obtaining the completionist monkey and other than a few dedicated pkers that complete them for the higher % chance of proccing bolts, there is no real reason to complete the achievements other than those 2 reasons.
Would love to see this being implemented in the future.
In Topic: Did we killed hcim? [Pked 500m+ from Peeks]
31 May 2019 - 02:50 PM
@EIM 1gp That superrior boy , is old peeks account , s1x7h st0rm in peeks and thotiana also peeks :) all these 3 kills is around 500M
*inhales slowly*
"that superrior boy , is old peeks account"
How is it an old peeks account? It is a spam name from a old clan that was on alora, that clan was called supremacy. How can you claim this is a peeks member out of the blue?
"s1x7h st0rm in peeks and thotiana also peeks"
How are they in peeks if s1x7h st0rm is a solo pker, I personally have sometimes pked with s1x7h st0rm and a few peeks member, this does not make him a member of peeks? the same goes for thotiana.
Stop making false claims.
I will happily 1v1 any member from the clan that call themselves liths, my pms are always on. Feel free to pm me :)
In Topic: Did we killed hcim? [Pked 500m+ from Peeks]
31 May 2019 - 02:34 PM
Ok let's do a quick summary:
Clip 1: You killed a Supremacy member, nice loot.
Clip 2: You killed a poor guy with an air staff at mage arena and flexed it....
Clip 3: You have killed a sixth storm member in a 9v4 nice! Wasen't that ur old alliance? #sliths
Clip 4: You win a decent multi war but you don't have proof of the screenshot u eddited in of that actually being from the kills..
All I can see is 1 player "thotiana" dying for a set. Where is the proof on the rest of the loot u showed us?
Clip 5: You killed spunkinurnan with a decent group of people, nice kill unfortunatly I do not know where this guy is from or if he even is in a clan.
Clip 6: You flex a kill on "aeilin" a pretty much full time pvmer from ICE, in a msb > ags tournement!
Clip 7: You did the same as in clip 7, but I do not know where this guy is from or if he is in any clan.
Now hmm... where is the video of you guys claming u pked 500m+ from PEEKS?
I would love to know what caused the anger.. Oh wait, I already know this topic caused it: