agree with this , I think they should remove the fight cave spec ability and perhaps if you haven’t been in pvp combat for the last minute ( for example me speccing someone in a fall in without being hit back would count as pvp combat ) then perhaps have no timer as I do agree with pvmers having instant spec regainMy only concern is single pking when it comes to fall ins etc.
Let's say my team has someone full tb'd at Mage Bank ye? if I come out in max str & claws, I can dump two claw specs on whoever we have a fall in on, pull the lever, tele home & spec restore, do ;;mb & have two more specs to dump not 20 secs after. Plus you would have people doing it with dbow's, ags, etc.
Plus it would open up the option for people to just fight you at chins or edge or w/e, dump their AGS jamal at the first chance and if they don't hit a 73-40 they can just tab and do it again and again and again.
No support tbh
Member Since 16 Apr 2018Offline Last Active Jun 09 2018 12:38 PM