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EIM Caswell

Member Since 14 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2019 03:28 AM

#185650 Updating the Runecrafting Shop/Elder Chaos Robes

Posted by EIM Caswell on 15 May 2018 - 03:07 AM

What is your suggestion?:


Make the Elder Chaos Robes more expensive, (I'm thinking like 5k-10k a pop), and add percentage bonuses to each for RC exp, similar to the prospector set for mining. It would only be 2.5-5%, nothing major. While I'm spitballing here, I'd also consider adding pure essence to the shop. Have it be expensive enough that you cannot just RC and buy the ess indefinitely. That way it is rewarding, but doesn't completely phase out mining/NPC drops. Something along the lines of for every 5 essense you craft, you can buy one pure essence from the shop with RC points. This gives the same crystal key to slayer item dynamic that the slayer shop has. You have items in there that are great for the long term like the imbuement scroll, but you also have short term gain in crystal keys. 


Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:




 How would this benefit Alora?:


 I recently got 80 RC on my EIM. I've just now accumulated around 15,000 Runecrafting points. That's about 2m exp, and to buy everything in the RC shop it costs 4,130 points. The Runecrafting shop is there (I believe) to add a reward to the player for runecrafting. I don't believe the current shop does this very well, and my suggestion would reward the player pretty fairly while not being OP. The numbers I put here are just examples off the top of my head and are definitely up for debate. I'd like to hear what you all think about adding updates like this to the Runecrafting shop. Let me know what you think!

#182122 New potential in-game rule.

Posted by EIM Caswell on 30 April 2018 - 09:33 AM

I'm not sure what would be required to implement this, but I have a suggestion. 

  • Make it against the rules to advertise your stream in ::yell. There would be exceptions, like the EIM tournament yesterday where Lowkey streamed the event.
  • Add a command in-game called like ::streams that would allow any player to see what streams are currently active on youtube/twitch/whatever.
  • Streamers can be added to the list for the command via the forums by giving their channel URL. 
  • Then, add a little chat message passively like the little Alora tips that come out every once and a while in the chat box saying something like "There are currently x amount of people streaming Alora! Check them out at ::streams"

The idea behind this is that both the streamers and the community would be okay with the result. Streamers can sign their streams up with Alora and still have a way for people to find their streams, and players aren't constantly spammed with their streams in ::yell.