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Member Since 14 Apr 2018
Previous Username: BootyClappa
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2023 04:00 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: TRAGIC: Stewie3k dies for ANOTHER 250m, candlelight vigil in Vilnius, Lithuan...

20 June 2019 - 02:01 PM

WOW , Stewie you are one exceptional individual :o

In Topic: magic gaining defecne exp

13 June 2019 - 02:24 AM

Support be nice to see, also a nice way to train defence to

In Topic: Crystal chests count

09 June 2019 - 03:31 AM

I saw this was suggested on an OSRS QnA and it seemed to get pretty positive feedback. There is no way for it to count any keys used previously but I still see it being useful and convenient to track progress if the community wants it.



This is added onto brimstone keys in 07 also, would be cool to see added in on here also

In Topic: Stewie3k needs to pay his taxes!

31 May 2019 - 03:19 PM

How is he dying for ancestral in 4 wild LMFAO still had like 6 brews still smh, whale. 

In Topic: Detailed PK suggestions.

23 May 2019 - 10:16 PM

Support all of this anything new to PvP whether it be PK fixes or reworks would be nice to see