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Member Since 14 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2021 11:59 AM

Topics I've Started


12 August 2018 - 03:42 PM

Ticks between Dawnbringer's attack are too slow. I'd like to see it fixed.


Click on this to see twitch clip of the speed of Dawnbringer in OSRS 

Link: https://clips.twitch...perItsBoshyTime

Efficient Clan System

15 June 2018 - 04:26 PM

At the moment, it is kind of hard to control a clan without having an active clan chat. I figured it would be cool to have a clan system. Just some post (like trading post) somewhere around edge in which you can manage your clan. It would be up to staff of Alora if everyone would be able to make one or if you would have to apply. You would see members online, their current rank, etc... you'd be able to set up permissions on what ranks would be able to do.



Rank system:

I suggest much like Discord that you would be able to set roles and set their permissions individually. So that every clan can have their own ranks and their permissions assigned. For example who could see/send global messages.


Login message: 

Any message could be set up from certain clan ranks and show up in the text box whenever  a clan member logs in.


Global messages:

You would be able to send messages or simply chat to all members online much like ::yell however it would be only seen by clan members. I suggest either double /'s or ::cc (clan chat) as a command to use this. This would be useful for bigger clans who would just invite higher ranks to the clan system in-game. They'd be able to communicate and play rather than go on discord or PM eachother in-game, much more efficient. Their rank would show up with the message. 


Timed messages:

A ranked clan member would be able to set up a message (minimum 1 hour) to repeat itself for a certain amount of time. For example, you would like to host a Corp event and would like to remind members to attend. 


Rules list:

When using the post, members could see the rules.



You would be able to ban or kick players from the clan.



A strike/warning system could be set up so that ranks could give warnings out in a more organized fashion.


Recent activity list:

In the recent activity lists certain ranks would be able to see who has been kicked, banned or given a warning.


With the custom ranking system, leaders could share a bank in-game rather than having to make a new account for it. For example a bank in which money could be stored for instances, that would be needed for hosting certain events.



The options are endless, in my opinion, I hope you guys like this suggestion or have anything to add. I feel like this would be a great alternative to using Discord and it would be in-game rather than having to use another application.

Ranks Clan Chat & Raids

13 June 2018 - 01:31 AM

Higher ranks in clan chats should be able to start raids. This would make it easier to keep a clan chat active, rather than all having to leave to start a raid in someone's personal's clan chat.

Item overlay QoL fix

28 May 2018 - 04:38 AM

It currently shows up through interfaces (banks, smith menu, mini map etc...) also it would be nice if it could show how many unnoted items are on the floor rather than show every unnoted piled up together.




Example above can show as ''Ashes (2)'' rather than being piled up



Here an example of items going through interfaces. Not that big of a deal as you can easily turn it off while doing skilling activity, but if it is fixeable, it would be much appreciated

Dark relic

22 May 2018 - 01:21 AM

The dark relic is a possible reward from the Chambers of Xeric. It has a Commune option which will result in the chat box stating A dark power emenates from the relic. You sense that this power can be directed. The player can then receive experience equal to 6,000x (on OSRS it is 150 times the level) the player's level for skills used in the Chambers of Xeric (combat skills, Mining, Woodcutting, Herblore, Farming, Hunter, Cooking, Fishing, Thieving, Firemaking and Agility), and 50x for other skills.



Experience rates:

Normal: 6,000 * level 

Hardcore ironman: 1.200 * level

Classic: 750 * level 

Elite ironman: 600 * level



normal mode: level 84 x 6,000 = 504.000 experience, respectively.

hardcore ironman: level 84 * 1.200 = 100.800 experience, respectively.

classic: level 84 * 750 = 63.000 experience, respectively.

Elite ironman: level 84 * 600 = 50.400 experience, respecitvely.