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Member Since 06 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2017 09:56 AM

Topics I've Started

@ Staff

11 November 2016 - 05:10 PM

Why do you never reply to PM's and you're never in the official help CC? There's people asking questions in the CC all the time, and being the kind person I am; I have to reply. There's no point in saying "Message me if you have problems" then ignoring them. Not saying it's all the staff, and I'm not saying you ignore everybody. Just try and get around to PMing the person back. 


I would also like to add this isn't a bash at the staff team.

New rank

06 November 2016 - 08:36 PM

I feel with the game being new, players are in need of help and money. The help is being handled greatly (kudos to the staff members), but they're still struggling for money. I understand as a new player you have to make money your own way, but I'm suggesting we add a new rank to the server for the future or even now. 


The event support rank. Now, this rank was on the previous NR which got shut down 4 years ago. Basically, this rank allows you to ::yell, and teleport to players. All you have to do is host events, via ::yell so the whole server knows you're hosting an event. The items could be spawned and given to you for a special occasion, or you could do them out of your own bank whenever you feel like. 


I always remember when I were a staff member on previous big games, I would ::yell / ::news events nearly every 2 days as I was wealthy. If a special event was coming up (Christmas for example this year), I would ask the owners to spawn me some items related to Christmas such as partyhats / Santa's outfit and I would go PKing with 50,000 HP in multi and good risk so whoever got the loot would end up being the target in a massive FFA. There's also many other events besides the PKing ones, such as HnS, scavenger hunts, races, etc. 


I hope this idea goes into consideration. I understand the game is new and items aren't being chucked around the economy, I just think it's a good idea to host events to keep the community entertained.



3 word story

06 November 2016 - 07:19 PM

Continue the story.


One day I