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EIM Systemic

Member Since 13 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2019 11:41 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ICE Weekly Event Thread [Week 49]

11 December 2018 - 05:31 PM

Seeing the work and commitment you're putting into these events each week is awesome. #ICE All day baby 

In Topic: when you smite an ironman for his dscim at revs with the squad

11 December 2018 - 05:26 PM

The guy in the bottom left cracks me up every time lol

In Topic: Clan Chat QOL

24 June 2018 - 12:54 PM

Love the idea and could see the useful benefits to it. Support from me

In Topic: Staff Update 6/24/2018

24 June 2018 - 12:03 PM

Congratulations @To gain and @Hellish. Big GZ to @Mors and @Eim 40a. Look forward to working with you all  :D

In Topic: [June] Community Awards!

22 June 2018 - 07:13 AM



Best Admin: @Lowkey


Best Global Moderator: @king purple


Best Forum Moderator: @algolan


Best Server Moderator: @Dutchie


Best Event Manager: @f 8


Best Server Support: @ Dylain


Most active on Discord: @Marushin


Most active In-game: @king purple


Most active on Forums: @NOT HUMAN


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @ Dylain


Funniest Staff Member: @king purple


Overall Best Staff Member: @Dutchie






Most Active In-game: @Elite tb0w (classic mob)


Most Active on Forums: @ Austin Post


Most Active on Discord: @Sacreds (sacred iron)


Most Active Overall: @Hellish


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling: @NOT HUMAN


Most Friendly: @EIM 1gp


Most Respected: @Binair


Coolest Veteran: @Hellish


Best Helper: @Iron Foxit


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: @Elite Fury


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:


Best Skiller: @Binair


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Iron Foxit


Best Hardcore Ironman: 


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: @Ascus


Best Classic Player: @Binair


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: 


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: @Binair (noobair)