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Member Since 12 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Today, 02:00 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Buy "Amount" Left click

19 December 2024 - 04:53 PM

Support, Yes please, my current solution is to bind mouse click to a key and Shift + spam the button. Runelite lets you change to buy-50, no reason to why it shouldn't be 250 as that's already available in the drop down

In Topic: Adjustments to certain content for players with high ping

19 December 2024 - 04:50 PM

I support this, but as you said, it would have to be upon request as others could cheat the system if anyone could just turn it on.


I don't think it's possible to ping so high above 300. Google "world ping test" and see what you're getting.
Most likely your ISP is throttling your connection. I can only only get to 430ms if I connect to VPN in Australia from Canada. In your case +12ms to VPN basically halves the ping which confirms ISP issue, as VPN is not magic =D


In Topic: Add Colosseum Training To Donator Perks

27 November 2024 - 09:52 PM

I'm never going to reach such donation perk. But I do hope that selecting a practice wave should be possible. Hardest part of flicking is knowing that you have to react sooner than OSRS and you can't practice that properly. Support

In Topic: Alora's 8th Anniversary - BIGGEST DROP PARTY YET & $1200 Value G...

04 November 2024 - 04:35 PM

Congrats on another massive milestone!

In Topic: My Problem with Staff 4

04 November 2024 - 03:28 PM

Came to check on how Leagues are going and got another episode of Real Drama with Real Alan. Can't complain, I find it hilarious.

Did Alan bait this response? Oh yeah
Did To Gain overreact? Yep

I personally think Alan should be able to have any name he wants, considering what names are out there. In this case, if an admin got offended, just change his name to Ruck Alan or Ruck Real Alan, done.

In the end, Alan seems to be an active member of Alora community and is putting in his time to make the server better. Making suggestions or baiting out staff, he's still contributing. 
I can see how staff can be fed up with him, but how can you not appreciate his persistence on studying each rule to find some silly loophole. He's like a villain in every kids cartoon, scheming and plotting his next Alora adventure.

Hoping "My problem with staff 5" will have some more fun drama