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Member Since 10 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2025 07:51 PM

Topics I've Started

[QOL] Change Donation Manager's skin from Watson

11 June 2020 - 03:40 PM

What is your suggestion?

Changing the skin on the Donation Manager


Is this in OSRS?



Has this suggestion been accepted already?



How would this benefit Alora?:

Purely QOL, and just a quick one. I couldn't help but notice that both Watson and the Donation Manager share the same skin, and are only a few tiles away.


I know that the Donation Manager doesn't have a shop on it, it only links to the forum, but I still would've personally thought that the skin for the NPC should be super eye catching, to grab the initial attention of people at spawn.


(It also triggers a little bit of OCD deep inside)

Alora's Very Own Edgeville

11 June 2020 - 08:14 AM

I am no artist or Photoshop connoisseur, but I thought it would be fun to make an edited Edgeville with all the relevant icons,

(Don't get me start on how the Wise Old Man icon is offset, I really tried.)


