@f8 500b loc? can pay all to me, promise i'll split with the team :)))
- Chuckoramma1 likes this
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Add Olm transmog from osrs to Chamber of Xerics drop table, perhaps on the tbow drop table. I need another drop to chase plz.
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I think someone suggested this and it got denied.
Zulrah drops frequent brews, 10 of them.
I use 1 brew per raid. (excluding using xeric's aid)
That means every time I get that common drop at zulrah I can do 10 raids.
Now I'd love for raids to drop nests but I think it would be somewhat overpowered.
If it were implemented in a good way, I'd be on board. #MakeRaidsGreatAgain
I wouldn't want raids to be the main source for nests at all, just having a chance at potentially replacing the brews you put into the raid would be nice. Scaling how many potential nests would drop would have to be carefully considered.
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A common thread I've seen among many of the iron men I've raided with is an insufficient supply of brews, and seeing how mole is not exactly a great source of crushed nests, I believe that adding nests to the raid drop table would be a great way to revitalize raids and give iron men a new source for brews, or at the very least replenish the supplies they put into the run.
That being said I also think supply drops in general from raids should be looked at, of which I have a number of ideas. I will make a thread about such if anyone has interest in hearing them.
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I think it's pretty good, 10/10 raider.