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Member Since 15 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2023 01:28 PM

#261320 How Famous is the person above you 1-10

Posted by Mystogan on 25 January 2019 - 06:16 PM



I'm a Jennie stan but I love BP so I love you Jisoo <3 

#177466 Guide to becoming an Alora Staff member!

Posted by Mystogan on 13 April 2018 - 07:23 AM

You forgot the part where you bless exstaff members with monetary gifts to curry their favor. 

#137954 Ironman Donator

Posted by Mystogan on 07 December 2017 - 10:41 PM



Would look somewhat like this: 2DEUgzz.png


Obvious scam, ironmen can't trade.


OT: Support, looks pretty and might as well show off your donation status. 

#136865 [Suggestion] Official Alora Clans

Posted by Mystogan on 04 December 2017 - 09:27 PM

No Support. I think @Dishonest and @Savitr addressed it pretty well. There's really no point and a sig would solve it. There's like two clans on Alora that would actually put in money towards this, now we have two "official" clans and all the rest are irrelevant. This is counterproductive to a community and probably a waste of time. It also introduces an extra duty to staff members that sees no net positive outcome. Unless there's a reason that this suggestion is superior over something simple as a signature, I see no point in it.

#135139 Fake Twitch Streams

Posted by Mystogan on 29 November 2017 - 07:15 PM

On the bright side, your audience is large enough to be targeted. 

#131958 Help CC Suggestion

Posted by Mystogan on 19 November 2017 - 11:36 AM

  Hello frands, there's been something that's been on my mind for a while now and I've finally amassed enough energy to post about it. Specifically, it has to do with 15b in the rules.




It's obvious who wrote the rule because of the fancy wording (Kappa), but the rule really boils down to one thing: Help CC is only for help. I absolutely understand the intent behind the rule, but it's one of the worst things you could do to the clan.


First of all, many people including myself find entertainment in talking to other players whilst helping whenever possible. The rule assumes that we're all headasses that wouldn't be able to answer any questions if there's another conversation going on and that's just dumb. If you're a staff member or a player that helps a lot, I don't really understand how bad you must be if you can't answer questions while another conversation is going on. Before the rule was implemented, people helped each other pretty easily and I don't see why the status quo had to change at all.


Secondly, Help CC is more boring than my AP Statistics class. Recently, I've literally experienced a ~5 minute lull in which nobody said anything because NOBODY HAS QUESTIONS SOMETIMES. Once somebody did ask a question, nobody answers for a while because WHO WOULD PAY ATTENTION TO A BORING ASS CHAT. The system implemented makes it more difficult for everybody and it's literally because of this rule that makes all small talk and conversation illegal. 


Last point, you encourage new players to join Help CC so they can ask questions, but in doing so you alienate them from the community. Who even goes to Help CC when there are infinitely many better clans that aren't Help focused. By repealing this rule, you can make Help CC Great Again (HCGA). 


Now I'm going to address some points that will probably be brought up.


"You can always go to Alora clan chat". Sure, when it's not always full. 400+ players on at once and most flock to Alora, not viable most of the time.

"Help cc is only for help!" That takes all the fun out of it and where else am I supposed to talk to and be a part of the community ^^

"It's so hard to help players when there's so much spam". Well if you're a staff member, learn to read faster and be able to comprehend questions with an IQ higher than 50. Otherwise, if players don't get answers they can pm a staff directly. 


I can't think of anything else but please repeal this stupid rule. I'm getting bored bank standing. 



UPDATE: Well not really an update, it's just that this was the cc before I started this thread.


Nobody has said anything in the time I've written this long rant. Thanks chingooz

#103698 Some Suggestions 2.0

Posted by Mystogan on 27 July 2017 - 01:18 PM

Did you just take all of this from a different server.... I'm 100% sure this is all plagiarized cause I know that server well....


And thus "no support". Come up with your own ideas. This is blatant plagiarism and you didn't even put effort into covering it up. This whole post disgusts me.


Also, you weren't a staff member on this server so I hope you were talking about a different one on your profile.

#103645 How to avoid the TP tax

Posted by Mystogan on 27 July 2017 - 10:59 AM

Well, if you studied history you'd probably know that the colonists were more pissed at the fact that the Tea Act actually repealed the tax previously set on British tea and gave the East India Company a basic monopoly on tea. Tea smugglers were pissed cause that meant that their smuggled tea would be worth less in market since British tea wasn't as expensive as before. The no taxation without representation wasn't them asking for representation in Parliament, it was an attempt to push for a separate legislation branch controlled by the colonists.... 


Basically, if the colonists were to have their way, they'd ask for a higher tax actually. So therefore, just by looking at this thread, I don't think you really understand how taxes work...

#103294 Social Media

Posted by Mystogan on 26 July 2017 - 08:31 AM



It's kind of self explanatory what I'm going to say here. 


Only one of these being updated is the Facebook, which is scarce at best. Over 1,000 likes and only one post in the last two weeks? Try advertising more. 


The Twitter doesn't even exist, either make one or do something with it rather than having it be a link to nowhere. The YouTube hasn't had a video since Christmas. Either make a video more often or have it feature a content creator that actually updates (s/o to @Lowkey cause that's the only one I'm subbed to that I see does anything). 


Last of all.... wiki.... uh.... have a team working on it like forum mods or something idk (it's been a few months and it still looks like my contributions from a while ago are still the majority of the wiki), a server this size not having a wiki is just pitiful. There have been "plans" since I came over 7 months ago and I have yet to see any results.




Edit: OH and Discord, the plugin you have to scroll down for. That's the only functional "social media" you have on this server. Stick that somewhere on the top or somewhere more obvious. What new player wants to scroll down for the discord if they have a question.

#85059 Media

Posted by Mystogan on 26 May 2017 - 09:45 PM



Put something there, maybe featured videos where there is some kind of contest to determine who is featured. I don't know, it's been there for a while.



#75937 Bring Back Castlewars - an RS Tradition.

Posted by Mystogan on 28 April 2017 - 06:36 AM

No support

I can see it dying quickly because of lack of player participation. I think the time could be better spent. Castle wars in general isn't very fun, especially if you have teams that can stomp. Eventually, nobody will go to Castle wars because it's near impossible to win without collusion or an experienced team.

Also why tf am I always the one that voted differently :(
  • S likes this

#66272 About the staff promotions

Posted by Mystogan on 01 April 2017 - 09:13 AM

If they do their job and helps people, they are promoted. Simple as that, the people promoted have merits that we want and fit in well with the team.

The role of server supporters is essentially to help and be a positive entity in the community. If you exemplify these traits, I'd be happy to work with you on the team regardless of your post count or play time.

#64034 Recently demoted AMA

Posted by Mystogan on 23 March 2017 - 07:17 AM

Football or soccer?


Penguins or puppies?


Democratic or Republican?


Food or sex?


What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite movie?


Where do you see yourself in ten years?

#59585 Staff Applications

Posted by Mystogan on 06 March 2017 - 12:29 PM

No support.


When I was first became server supporter, my post count was barely 30. Even now, I'm not that active on forums and most of my time is lurking and reading responses. Although forums activity is mildly important, forum post counts isn't the greatest indication of activity. Even now, although my forums post count has increased, I don't post that often. I don't really expect server supporters to spam every thread on forums. Having a forum post requirement for an ingame rank just feels wrong to me. 


Thanks for the suggestion anyway,

#54062 Lets get Iron Bored Muted!

Posted by Mystogan on 15 February 2017 - 04:57 PM

Make a mute appeal if you think you were wrongly muted. Make a player report if you believe somebody else has broken the rules. DO NOT make a suggestion thread for this.