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Jake M

Member Since 25 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 05:26 AM

#346223 Machiani, new player!

Posted by Jake M on 02 April 2020 - 08:23 PM

Welcome to Alora! I'm looking forward to seeing you around.


If you need anything be sure to sing out  ^_^

#346100 Loyalty Shop Rework

Posted by Jake M on 02 April 2020 - 04:10 AM

I do support this as the loyalty shop probably does need a little bit of an overhaul.


It can be a bit tricky with "earn" stores though as you have to keep it balanced considering there are already a tonne of these items in circulation. Reduction of price or a rise in price can throw things out of turn. 


Regardless, If done carefully, Support.


Posted by Jake M on 02 April 2020 - 04:06 AM

42 KC is so toxic  B)


Congratulations on the T-Bow

#345819 Good to be back

Posted by Jake M on 31 March 2020 - 11:40 PM

G'day everyone!


I was around for a little while, enjoyed a short stint as server support before having left due to natural disasters effecting my living environment. I don't have much else to say other then hello old friends and can't wait to dive headfirst back into the community! 


See ya'll around  :P


P.S Thanks @Mack for helping me recover my account  :wub:

#195847 Ensouled Heads Info!

Posted by Jake M on 22 June 2018 - 07:38 PM

Quite useful actually, Thanks for taking your time to make this for us :P

#195473 Staff Update 6/20/2018

Posted by Jake M on 21 June 2018 - 06:52 PM

Great promotions all round. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys progress further!


Congratulations all <3

#192010 Removing 'Open a bond' from daily system

Posted by Jake M on 08 June 2018 - 03:43 AM

I don't see it as a cash grab. I do however see it as an inconvenience or, in some peoples instance, an unachievable task. Considering how many bonds are available at any given time -> to how many people will be buying bonds is mainly what makes it difficult. 


So support.


Also; I get why you think it's a cash grab but really, in my opinion, it's hardly at all. If it were "Buy a bond from the in-game store" then yes, 100% I would agree and probably think it's poor taste. For most people though obtaining a bond is a measly 75m. Just my 0.02c, you're all allowed to have your own also.  

#190980 Alora Newspaper 06/04/2018

Posted by Jake M on 04 June 2018 - 06:27 PM

What a very exciting month is has been! Thanks for giving us the run-down @Xuf.

#190335 Omicron Thank You Video

Posted by Jake M on 02 June 2018 - 05:56 PM

We all love you, @Omicron! Thank you for everything you've done for us all and continue to do for us. Forever in your debt for the countless of hours this server has already given me!


Shout to @Lowkey and everyone who made this clip, unreal job  :wub:


Posted by Jake M on 31 May 2018 - 06:17 PM

Push comes to shove, i’ll sit in a discord channel by myself and sing Electric Avenue until my voice goes horse.

I wouldn’t be against it though, in all seriousness.

#189734 Staff Update 5/31/2018

Posted by Jake M on 31 May 2018 - 05:52 PM

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Congratulations to all the promotions, all very well deserved.

Sad to see you two leave, Cakes & Cow, but i wish you both the best of luck and I hope to see you guys around still.

#189352 Rate the meme

Posted by Jake M on 30 May 2018 - 05:37 PM

@Elite Ultima, That one hits WAY to close to home.

#189351 [May] Award Results!

Posted by Jake M on 30 May 2018 - 05:35 PM

Congratulations to this months winners! All very well deserved.  :wub:

#188038 Possible Bank Mechanic

Posted by Jake M on 24 May 2018 - 11:31 PM

To be honest, I think bank pre-sets are a killer. The only possible way I could see it being implemented is it being strickly armour (Armour presets), otherwise you’re just making bank-standing skilling 1000x prodominant.

I seen on an OsRs livestream that they were going to implement an armour preset as a POH feature, although I don’t play enough runescape to know what they do and don’t implement.

I’d rather take the tedious effort of filling my inventory myself than have bank-presets.

For me it’s a no support, sorry.


Posted by Jake M on 23 May 2018 - 03:23 PM

Happy birthday you old shit