^what peanuthead said.
I think this has been suggested few times, doubt they will add it.
But nonetheless I would support.
Saves wasted time post 200m cooking for a lot of accounts.
28 June 2021 - 06:27 AM
^what peanuthead said.
I think this has been suggested few times, doubt they will add it.
But nonetheless I would support.
Saves wasted time post 200m cooking for a lot of accounts.
22 February 2021 - 11:20 AM
Support. It's ridiculous that you can play enough to get 2017 total level on a GIM but can't afford one pair of gauntlets...
18 February 2021 - 12:10 PM
08 February 2021 - 07:53 AM
Great update @Omicron. Thank you. The clicks are much improved and the tournament setup looks awesome.
Magic staves that have built in spells are not suppose to have the 1 tick delay. I just tried the gauntlet and because of the 1 tick delay, an already bad item (the staff) went from the worst gauntlet weapon to just unusable.
Also, any chance I could get my gauntlet pet added to my collection log?
28 January 2021 - 12:57 PM
I don't mind disclosing this information, essentially deaths reduce your chance to get a rare drop by the following amount:
maxPoints = teamPoints + (totalDeathsForAllPlayers*4)
percentageReduction = teamPoints/maxPoints
So for example if your team had earned 60 points, but had 2 deaths, they would be at a total of 52 points (4 points lost for each death), and then the chance to get a rare drop would be reduced by 1-(52/60) = 13.3%. It's worth noting that a player dying will effect the whole team's chance of getting loot.
Thank you for the excellent explaination. Do you mind explaining what a "teamPoint" is? Do we just start with 60 automatically for completing all the rooms?