I like all of these except the emoticons. I'm not a huge fan of shoutboxes in general and think adding emoticons would muddy up an already unpleasant feature. This is an aesthetic preference on my part at this point.
- Alora
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In a classroom somewhere
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Cmdr Data has reached level 99 in Construction!
Apr 16, 2018 1:06 amCmdr Data has reached level 99 in Fletching!
Apr 12, 2018 4:33 amLatest Visitors
Posts I've Made
In Topic: A few suggestions.
30 April 2018 - 01:57 PM
In Topic: QoL - Save Zoom and Fixed Screen Settings
30 April 2018 - 11:08 AM
Thank you each for your support. I feel this is something that will improve play for everyone by allowing them to just jump right into what they were last doing.
In Topic: New potential in-game rule.
30 April 2018 - 09:30 AM
I agree with everything in me.
In Topic: XP lamp from random event..
20 April 2018 - 11:59 PM
a small reward for having to endure such an annoyingly helpful feature.
I'm yet to see what everyone is saying about the "annoying feature". I play 6-8 hours typically a day and I'm lucky to see 2 random events.
As for having to "endure" the random events; they're questions that can be answered in less than 10 seconds. I don't think any rewards are needed for spelling Alora backwards
Meanwhile I received about 10 while training a skill to 99 about a week ago and they did disrupt my flow just enough to be annoying. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one it seems but your argument is also valid. I guess it comes down to tolerance for this sort of thing.
In Topic: XP lamp from random event..
20 April 2018 - 11:41 PM
XP lamps would need tinkering to scale down % wise for each game-mode also, sure this goes without saying. Classics can't be getting 15,000xp from a lamp.
I think there is a spot for XP lamps in Alora but as for receiving them through random events I'm not sold on. I was thinking more adding them to Clues to make them more relevant. The higher the clue level the bigger the lamp.
I don't think random events should be giving anything of value or notable out. We aren't going out of our way to get them and it's in place for bot control. I don't see why you get a pat on the back for not being a bot. That's my 2 cents.
See, I wouldn't look at it as a pat on the back for not being a bot but rather a small reward for having to endure such an annoyingly helpful feature. But yes, exp would have to be carefully scaled so I agree with you on that point. I also like the clue scroll idea you mentioned, maybe as an extension with higher exp rates given the increased amount of work to complete them.