I vote for Horror even though he killed me in wildy while I was catching black chins for 99 hunter.
- Alora
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- Age 27 years old
- Birthday September 21, 1997
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#179351 April MOTM (Poll)
Posted by
Jms on 20 April 2018 - 07:41 AM
#175837 Slayer: what i think it should change.
Posted by
Jms on 06 April 2018 - 02:47 AMVery nice suggestions, would rather keep gmaul clamp in the slayer shop. I hate when servers make loads of stuff PKP exclusive, since I don't enjoy PKing and if the only way to get things is through the PKP shop, it sucks.
Also, pretty sure Nechryaels do count to their slayer task in the catacombs. I did a task there before.
- KP likes this
#173119 Skillcape perks, Max hits & Other Suggestions
Posted by
Jms on 25 March 2018 - 06:10 AMFirstly, I think the dev(s) should add all skillcape perks. Obviously some would need changing since they would be obsolete or useless on this private server, but I will go through them individually. I'd also like to say that they should be more in line with the RS3 perks and not the OSRS perks. Also, limited use cape perks should be unlimited.
Green = Keep it as it is
Red = Changes neededYellow = Unsure
Attack: Gives a chance for degradable items not to degrade.Strength: Dismember lasts an additional 2 seconds.- Obsolete on an OSRS-style server. Perhaps instead gives a permanent +2 Strength bonus while the cape is worn?
Defence: Acts as a sign of life. Same cooldown.- When the player's HP drops to 0, their HP restores back to 40% and the effect is put on cooldown for an hour.
Ranged: Acts as Ava's devices.Prayer: Imparts the same benefits as lit burners in a player-owned house.Magic: Activate to swap spellbooks at banks.Runecrafting: Activate to reveal the required rune for the Rune Goldberg Machine.- Can store 20 pure essence?
Construction: Reduces the cost of creating planks.- Has a 10% chance to save a plank while training construction.
Constitution: Doubles life points regained over time.Agility: Gives a chance of double tickets from the Brimhaven Agility Arena. Stacks with the Karamja task set reward.- Decreases drain rate of run energy & increases the rate at which it is restored.
Herblore: Activate to clean all herbs in your inventory for no XP.- If cleaning herbs is a thing on this server and is required for herblore, then keep this. If not, give 5% chance to create an extra potion and send it to the bank.
Thieving: Lowers your stunned time when caught from 4.2 seconds to 3.Crafting: Thread is no longer needed when crafting.- Has a 10% chance to save hides while crafting.
Fletching: Gives a chance of automatically stringing a bow when fletching unstrung bows.Slayer: Activate to teleport to any Slayer master in the game that you can access.- Allows you to contact your preferred slayer master and to request a new task.Hunter: Activate to give your Herblore Habitat vine plant the effects of its hunter potion.- +5% success rate for traps.
Mining: Gives an invisible +2 skill bonus.Smithing: Gives the same effect as the goldsmithing gauntlets.- 10% chance to rapidly smith an item.
Fishing: Gives a chance to get a double catch.- Allows the player the option to automatically consume the fish caught in exchange for 10% additional XP.
Cooking: Prevents food from being burned.Firemaking: Activate to light a fire on the spot you're standing on.Farming: Gives a chance of instantly harvesting a patch.Woodcutting: Provides an increased chance at finding bird's nests.Max Cape: Allow it to have 3 perks that you can choose from.
Next, I'd like to suggest a couple of QoL changes.- When RoW shines, include the item that was received.- Show your current maximum hit on the equipment interface.- Special attack orb by the other information orbs (health, prayer, run energy) that has a timer indicating when the next change comes.- Super Donator + / 1 additional drop at the Barrows minigame.
Will come back and add more should I see or think of something that could be improved/implemented.
- Rangerboots likes this