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Iron wex

Member Since 14 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active May 01 2022 04:27 AM

Topics I've Started

silver sickle (b) / moritania easy diary / Iron man (any iron man mode)

10 March 2021 - 04:28 AM

Setting the scene for the suggestion:

I am a fresh iron man new to alora. I don't know the most optimal route for iron man so I start unlocking permanent things like quests and diary to slowly get into it. 
I chose Iron man for the general reasons like:

  1. having a harder grinding time
  2. more reward when I hit a droptable
  3. being obliged to kill non proffitable bosses because I can't buy their rare drops.

Problem I am looking to tackle - As An iron man the only legit way to get a silver sikle (B) is to get 300 vote points:

The complete moritanya diary is locked behind 300 vote points wich takes about 20 days of voting given that: 

  1. I don't vote during vote events
  2. I don't break the rules and vote on multiple ip's a day
  3. I don't buy votes because I only play iron man and I don't have a main with the recourses to buy votes 

My optinion:

If I play one hour for 20 days I will be progressed so far ahead that the diary will be just a hassle to overcome instead of an upgreade to look forward to. 
Therefor a 20 day grind requirement behind an EASY diary step is not balanced at all. 


Possible Sollutions:

the lazy way --> put it in the iron man store

the creative way --> create a quest around it 

the complex way --> put it behind a smithing/crafing/prayer/mage requirement


Just anything that is achivable in game. imo the vote shop is a give and take. I vote to help the server and the server gives me points to spend on cosmetics or on items I don't want to grind for.

I don't like the fact that there are non cosmetic items that are ONLY availble trough the vote shop. certainly when there is an ingame unlock hidden behind it like a diary


Please feel free to post other sollutions on this thread