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Member Since 14 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active May 10 2023 09:03 AM

#396452 Advanced highscore system RuneLite

Posted by Skiezo on 06 May 2021 - 04:05 PM

Dear Omi,



Right now you're only looking up a player to see their PvM record as well as the experience in combat and scores. I would love to see what the current rank is in his/her highscore mode ranking list. It would be also very prefered if the plugin would show the overall experience instead of just only combat.




#162069 February MOTM (Poll)

Posted by Skiezo on 11 February 2018 - 03:08 PM

Voted for @OsRs Tyler, I feel like he deserves it too!

#161460 Make barrows a bit cooler.

Posted by Skiezo on 09 February 2018 - 10:06 PM

Since there have been more interesting content lately and the most recent updates from OSRS, people have really forgotten Barrows, which I think they shouldn't. I totally agree on giving barrows a little spice to make it more enjoyable for those players who still do play that minigame, like you do.


However I'd think it wouldn't really be a major thing to be thinking of.

#51118 Drop rates - Raids are not worth it now!

Posted by Skiezo on 05 February 2017 - 06:13 PM

Making this thread mainly to get more attention from @Omicron ( I know there are more threads, I'm aware of that)


Raids are really not worth it currently. Omicron you have spend a lot of hours to do this for us, please let it not die like that. Usually there were really easy to make 7man teams, now we're forced to go into mass cc's. The drop rates are really really low right now.


With all the respect in the world, I don't wanna do raids with players that wear gold gloves, I wanna have fun doing it with people that know what they're doing.


I haven't been doing else yet since Raids came out, I love doing it so much.. and you have done not only a great but a fantastic job on that content. Remember the hype? Let's do this for the community.



#34627 Development Blog #2

Posted by Skiezo on 22 December 2016 - 02:40 PM

It should be in the next update, I'm not sure how it'll be obtained but I assume through the achievement store.

These are not the only updates that are coming, these are just a few things that Jason has personally been working on. Omicron is, as always, working on the server as well and I'm pretty sure his content isn't posted here. Some of the things you should look forward to in the next update(s) will be fixes for the clan chat system among other things that have been asked for frequently.

Well that's good to hear, thanks for the fast reply.