Thanks for fixing the shaking, it was really hurting my eyes lol.
- Alora
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- Step has slain Zulrah a total of
1,000 times!
Mar 1, 2018 6:52 pmStep received1 x Crystal seed as a drop!
Mar 1, 2018 6:45 pmPosts I've Made
In Topic: [1/30/2017] Updated Raids mechanics/bug fixes
30 January 2017 - 11:28 AM
In Topic: Buff Zulrah Drops
16 January 2017 - 01:18 AM
First rare drop I got at zulrah was at 8 KC. Haven't received one since then. The drop rate on Alora is more frequent than on OSRS. Not to mention that Zulrah is extremely easy and easier to access.
Again, not talking about rare drop items. And no, they're not more frequent. Rare drops? Maybe. Everything else? No.
I guess everyone is trolling or can't read. So I won't bother replying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In Topic: Buff Zulrah Drops
16 January 2017 - 01:14 AM
Neh, Zulrah is fine. I have a very tough time gathering drops, but it's just because I have bad RNG. Can't complain, though. It gives more entitlement in receiving a drop, as they are seldom.
Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot I'd like to play something that takes longer than osrs. My bad.
In Topic: Buff Zulrah Drops
16 January 2017 - 01:11 AM
And it's not being lazy, actually, I think it's more efficient.
and if you'd read the last sentence in my first post you'd know I understand what you're talking about. Grab a pickaxe and get the coal yourself bigboy.
Trying not to spam so I just edited this post with proof that I have. Good luck with your suggestion, but absolutely no support in trying to make the game easy mode.
Actual OSRS not Alora you.... LOL. I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not.
In Topic: Buff Zulrah Drops
16 January 2017 - 12:52 AM
That's an absurd statement. Zulrah can be killed with a rune crossbow and black d'hide. Don't try and get all high and mighty saying it takes work to kill zulrah. You can do it with 43 prayer and 70+ ranged. If you're having that much trouble though maybe you should go back to the basics and worry about improving your skill rather than worrying about it's drops. The fact that you're complaining about no drops in 50 kills when people don't get drops at 500+ kills is asinine. Get off your high horse and grind for your gear like everyone else.
Hey bud, did I say Zulrah was hard? I was referring to drops. They don't seem correct. I'd like to kill a boss with correct drop rates, not worse than osrs. And hey, again, if you'd please read I wasn't talking about rare drops. :^)