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Member Since 26 Feb 2018
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2019 04:40 PM

#170630 Content Poll: Elite/Duo Ironman Mode

Posted by Dizcipline on 14 March 2018 - 01:18 PM

Please just release it already :P

#170185 Content Poll: Elite/Duo Ironman Mode

Posted by Dizcipline on 12 March 2018 - 07:59 AM

if its a take on ironman mode, please leave the vote books like they are now. dont do the classic / 12hrs thing. please?

I think the server makes more money with the vote books being more available. And a greater demand for votes makes the server more popular (more votes = more traffic right?) 
Ive donated for a bond / turned the bond into books. why not?

Otherwise, i'm a huge fan of this,
I have friends irl that would probably try this with me. and it would 100% bring me back into the game, i haven't been active at all in the last month/s. and I used to play daily

Edit: I noticed a good suggestion, and it doesent hurt to relay it again. If you choose a partner and they for any reason quit. would it be possible to pick a new partner? maybe after a long time of playing duo.... by yourself you could get a new mate

Thanks :P
    UUUNC out

This is stupid, please don't make another Pay2Win Mode.