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Member Since 14 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2021 05:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Slayer Suggestions

24 October 2016 - 11:58 AM

I am not sure if you already added this or not, but I think it would be cool and accurate to runescape, that if I get a hellhound task I can kill Cerberus for the task. Same thing with Black Demons being able to kill Demonic Gorillas. I think it would be a great idea.


-Comment if you support or not-

Thank You

The Donating Situation

18 October 2016 - 05:48 PM

I have been talking in the chat box on the forum page about how ridiculous the donating prices/items are. So I propose a change. The current price of a whip is $1.50. For one, that is extremely under priced considering the state of the economy that doesn't even exist yet. For the first couple weeks to a month, and even many months after that with new players joining. The whip is going to be a hot commodity. Meaning people will pay top gp for it. So what is stopping me from donating 20$ to get 15 whips, and selling them ingame for gp? Then I will own over half of the economy, because I will own well over half of the gp. This also will ruin whip prices because there will be a shit ton of them ingame. Thus making gp even more rare, because people have whips instead of gp. A t70 weapon shouldn't be in the donor store at all. Considering the best weapons for normal melee are a whip, Abyssal Tentacle, and maybe a z spear/hasta. Considering it will take a long time for a z spear/hasta to come into the game, this leaves the whip as a top weapon for a while. I don't think the price of the whip should be changed. I think it needs to be removed. Donating should gives perks, like a special skilling zone next to a bank. Stuff that helps, but doesn't effect the economy. Having whips in other rsps's are fine to donate for, for multiple reasons. 1. They have been released for months and maybe even years. 2. They have t80 and higher weapons, making the whip a low tier item. 3. They have done the same thing you are doing and there servers economy is fucked. I would assume everybody would agree with me as it is in the best interest of the server. The people who don't agree are the pricks that are going to donate for the whip to ruin the economy because they are to lazy to kill abyssal demons for 2 hours.