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Member Since 16 Feb 2018
Offline Last Active Sep 10 2020 07:38 AM

#169998 Content Poll: Elite/Duo Ironman Mode

Posted by Temsei on 11 March 2018 - 02:00 PM

Hopefully this mode wouldn't have exp boosts available from the Well of goodwill and vote books, as I know some people aren't a fan of it. There's already plenty of modes to choose from, definitely wouldn't hurt to distinguish this one from the rest here.

#169481 Clue Scrolls

Posted by Temsei on 09 March 2018 - 09:50 PM

Most of us that aren't just starting out have huge stacks of clue scrolls sitting around in our banks with no purpose in sight. It's a shame, as clue scrolls on OSRS are generally so sought after with their notorious rewards. I would like for clue scrolls to be a drop to look forward to here as well.


Suggestion #1

  • Exchanging clue scrolls with a NPC. Giving the NPC for example 5 clue scrolls of the same type could provide the player with the rewards of 1 clue scroll. Doing the clue scrolls yourself would still remain largely favourable for those that want to do them, but it would make them worth picking up for those that don't.


Suggestion #2

  • Simply more consistent rewards. In the form of skilling supplies, perhaps?



Thanks for reading!