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Member Since 20 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2020 07:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Classic's Of Alora [COA]

03 October 2018 - 09:34 AM

Account (IGN) - Lekoosche
What rank are you applying for - corporal
Why do you think you deserve this rank? - Been very active in the cc helping all members of our coa community
Do you agree to be Non-Toxic?- Of course
Explain why COA interest's you? Coa is an amazing community and we've all begun to grow like a family and help each other out. 

In Topic: Classic's Of Alora [COA]

13 September 2018 - 05:34 PM

Account (IGN) - Lekoosche
What rank are you applying for - Recruit or corporal
Why do you think you deserve this rank? - Currently a new member, been rather active daily in the clan chat, answering questions and helping to the best of my knowledge.
Do you agree to be Non-Toxic?- Of course
Explain why COA interest's you? I started out as a Classic on Alora, and we need more love. I've been looking into COA events, and everything it has to offer an would love to be apart of it.