As it currently stands it is inefficient to pickpocket the Hero and Paladin NPCs, thus my suggestion is to change the pickpocket failure rate of the 'Hero' and 'Paladin' NPCs. This would be strictly for players who are over a certain level as a method of increasing exp/h, while decreasing gp/h. Please note that I am unsure if the tick rates I found are exact, however a slight tweak in the math should still provide you with accurate estimations of the new exp/h.
Second Note: The pickpocketing rates below are under the assumption that you would not fail post 99, however that is not what I am suggesting.
Current Rates
Gem Stall:
Time: Base exp(includes well) Max exp(well, cape, bonus skill, vote) Base EXP/H Max EXP/H GP/H
7 ticks 2742 6307 2.35m 5.406m 8.57m
Time: Base exp(includes well) Max exp(well, cape, bonus skill, vote) Base EXP/H Max EXP/H GP/H
3 ticks 2778 6391 5.558m 12.782m 4m
Time: Base exp(includes well) Max exp(well, cape, bonus skill, vote) Base EXP/H Max EXP/H GP/H
3 ticks 4990 11478 9.982m 22.956m 6m
I suggest that we change the hero failure rate to 50% once a player has achieved 90 thieving. Under the assumption that the above numbers are correct and you fail exactly half of your pickpockets in an hour, the player would receive slightly under 1m exp/h more than using stalls, 6.391m exp/h, and theoretically 2m gp/h.
I suggest that we change the paladin failure rate to 60% once a player has achieved 99 thieving. Under the assumption that 40% of my pickpockets succeed, I should receive 9.18m exp/h and 2.4m gp/h.
(60 Minutes * 60Seconds) (5/3) = 6000 ticks per hour, where (5/3) is the conversion rate of 10 ticks per 6 seconds. (10/6) = (5/3).
(6000 ticks/h)/(ticks per action) * exp -> Calculates exp/h (base and max)
(6000 ticks/h)/(ticks per action) * gp -> Calculates gp/h
I would like to state that the following link: http://oldschoolrune...uneScape_clock
suggests that there are only 5940 ticks per hour, thus my math might be slightly off. The ratio of the rates should stay exact however.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you have any suggestions, corrections, or constructive criticism please let me know. I believe this will be my first suggestion of many, hence the need to improve for future use.
It might be helpful to note that reducing the exp and changing success rate to 100% would be most enjoyable to the players. Also, if 9m exp/h is too much, a slight reduction to .35% success rate will change that to 8.035m.
- Doc Hellish, HC Proxy and Multiverse like this