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Member Since 26 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2021 02:58 PM

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In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

11 June 2019 - 11:34 AM

Account Name: EIM RB25DET
Account Type: Elite Iron Man
Discord: Us3rNaMeD#4812
Time-zone: GMT+2
Playtime: https://prnt.sc/o0jxg9
Game Stats: https://prnt.sc/o0jxm9 (and rising ;))
PVM Gear: https://prnt.sc/o0k1pi https://prnt.sc/o0k47d https://prnt.sc/o0k4ka (Yes I order my bank in a weird way but it's all there :P)
Are you in any other clans? In ice right now but don't particularly value that.
Reason for joining: Looking for people that don't screw eachother over because "it's an open clan" also very interested in learning and doing raids 1 and 2 (Stick to raids 1 for now though :P)

Recruited by: My partner EIM Fixal? :D 

PS: Also have a maxed main with some pretty decent gear but I don't play on it often.