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Ultimate Sol

Member Since 10 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2018 01:00 AM

Topics I've Started

Playing Time

14 January 2018 - 04:33 PM

What's up Alora. I understand that playing time does not increase when players are sitting afk in the game. I have 3 1/2 days in game playing time, but on here I have over a day. I never afk my account, so I'm confused why it is so different? Let me know your thoughts.

Ironman Deranking

26 December 2017 - 01:09 AM

Hey Y'all,


To my knowledge, you cannot currently demote yourself from an Ultimate Ironman to a regular Ironman like you are allowed to do in osrs. You are allowed to demote yourself from any ironman challenge to a regular player, but not down an ironman status. I think this would be a great feature to add. Most likely by talking to Paul in Edgeville to make this decision. Thoughts?

Note Vote Books

23 December 2017 - 01:10 AM

Hey Y'all,


I think it could be beneficial to be able to note your vote books. This idea is just because I want to store multiple ones in my inventory and then use multiple ones at once without taking the inventory space. I understand most people would not use this feature, mostly just Ultimate Ironman [who ask for the challenge]. I don't see any issues with being able to note this item. It would also be better for trading because more can be held in the inventory when selling. Thoughts?

Glass Blowing for Crafting

17 December 2017 - 11:30 AM

Hey Y'all,


Thanks for checking out my thread. I have been thinking a lot about the crafting grind lately, and my most recent observation was that we can buy molten glass for houses from the Construction Merchant. In the game, we can't get a pipe to blow molten glass. I think this would be a simple update and would offer many other opportunities for crafting exp. 



Ironman Exchanges

16 December 2017 - 05:54 PM

Hello all,


I'm an Ultimate Ironman and have been thinking about getting donor for some time now. The issue is that on a main I would never be able to obtain the GP to purchase one, and on my Ironman, if I have the 90m for the bond then I can't give someone the money for it. On OSRS they allow players to right click an item and use it on other players during quests and some other situations. I would like to see Alora implement some system where ironman can use items on non-ironman accounts. I think this would benefit the community, as a whole, and not damper the ironman challenge at all. My goal for this is to be able to click my cash stack and give 90m to the person I want to buy a bond for my account. This would also benefit Alora because more bonds would be purchased to be sold to players. Please tell me your thoughts.