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To gain

Member Since 10 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Today, 04:14 PM

#488930 Add more requirements for the completionist cape

Posted by To gain on 18 June 2024 - 04:47 AM

@Scorn i do agree with adding more requirements, but it has to stay realistic for every player to be able to get one.
I'd say add 100 cox / tob / expert toa, 50-100 of every boss and x amount of collection log slots.

#488915 Add more requirements for the completionist cape

Posted by To gain on 18 June 2024 - 01:52 AM

I agree with Phosani and making different tiers of comp cape. I would like to see a comp cape that req colosseum and harder achievements like bloorva etc for the elite gamers but I aint one of those gamers and playing on 300+ constant ping a comp cape is pretty far from obtainable for a lot of players like me.

There are already different comp capes (gm variant for example) to show you completed these things.

Different tiers is just a big no (if you mean different stats to them with the tiers).

#487445 Buff Nightmare & Phosani Nightmare Drop Rates

Posted by To gain on 26 May 2024 - 01:27 PM

This suggestion was already accepted.
https://www.alora.io...nightmare +drop

  • U likes this

#486481 new rank?

Posted by To gain on 11 May 2024 - 02:04 AM

This is gonna be a big NO from me for various reasons most important the ones below.


1, The perks a 30-50k Donor rank would req to be worth it would most likely result in a gamebreaking advantage.


2, I'd rather see time beeing invested in bug fixes / updates (as yautja stated above) that would benefit all the players instead of 0,5% of the player base.

#484067 I did cox 100 times in leagues + 170m Giveaway

Posted by To gain on 13 April 2024 - 12:26 PM

@Evanescence Multiple things are wrong in this post.

1, clue relic boosts droprate of clues, it doesnt replace entire drop tables for clues.


2, if you wanted to buy everything from the league store from trailblazer reloaded on osrs, it would cost you 66,500 leaugue points, as far as im aware there are a little over 1k players who got this out of the 310,000+ accounts that played leagues (so 43k points isnt so bad)


3, there is nothing unfair about the competition the players that really wanted to win did everything they could and played insane amount of hours , some even took vacation days from work for this, so props to them that they grinded as hard as they did.


4, A 4x cox bonus does not exist, it caps at 1.2x.


5. yes a few players rushed stats etc so they would be able to raid as fast as possible, you could have done the same but i guess you didnt.


So all in all, the players that have 40k+ points are the players that have put in alot of hours and hard work to get to those amounts of points, again full props to them for beeing able to do it ( i know i couldnt do it).

#482168 Require 15 minutes of ingame play time to post on forums

Posted by To gain on 25 March 2024 - 01:20 AM

Support, with keeping the support section not requiring the ingame playtime.
So players that dont have alts still will be able to make a recovery post without beeing forced to spend 15 mins ingame on a trowaway account

#477822 Staff Update 1/24/24

Posted by To gain on 24 January 2024 - 12:19 PM

Hey Gamers,
We have some fresh blood joining the team, and a few very well deserved promotions today,even a new yellow boy!
If you're interested in joining our team and meet the requirements, feel free to apply here:  https://www.alora.io...f-applications/
Here are the latest Staff changes:
Mufasa Has been promoted to Administrator.
More glory Has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Logann Has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Kareem Sqr Has been promoted to Server Moderator.
GIM NoArN Has been promoted to Server Support.
Secondary ranks:
Grange has transferred secondary rank from Soflo to Gullish.
Knud Has transfered secondary rank from U to Jeff Daniels
Alora Administration Team

#477113 Collection logs completed

Posted by To gain on 12 January 2024 - 10:47 AM

Would be pretty nice to have the clog highscores :

#476731 Infernal Harpoon saves the cooked fish

Posted by To gain on 09 January 2024 - 08:41 AM

I wouldn't mind this happening, but only if we also impliment the charges that infernal equipment has on osrs (5000 charges).

When having used up the 5000 charges it would work as a regular dragon harpoon again until you use you new smouldering stone on it (same as osrs).

#476038 New Year's Giveaway!

Posted by To gain on 01 January 2024 - 06:41 AM

Happy new year gamers.

My personal best memory is dying at nex on the hcim , epic content.

#474917 Blazing blowpipe/bulwark

Posted by To gain on 17 December 2023 - 07:39 AM

If anything leave it until alora has its own league again (hopefully soon) since its the best content.

#473353 boosted accuracy on alora

Posted by To gain on 22 November 2023 - 02:41 AM

I think a simple solution to make the fang more viable (considering this is the most effected by this) is to either buff its stats and/or make it a 4 tick to match the g rapier.

Removing the buff all together would be a no go imo, i'd rather buff the hell out of certain weapons personaly (scythe / fang / tbow / shadow).

#471488 Zulrah bonus (like raids multiplier)

Posted by To gain on 29 October 2023 - 03:00 PM

I think we already have enough bonusses available, we dont need a boss drop rate boost.
Raids take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes depending on what raid and what invocs you run.
The average boss kill takes about 1 minute.
+ We already have drop boosters and donor rank drop rate bonus no need for any more.

#471322 TOB scaling

Posted by To gain on 27 October 2023 - 02:27 PM

Personally i feel like TOB should scale for duo parties (NOT solo), scaling the hp changes nothing to the difficulty of the raid overall, since less players = less dps, making it no different then 3-4-5 man raids.

To get a tob party going and keep it going at the moment (needing 3-5) ppl is next to impossible most of the times.

It doesnt hurt the game, it doesnt change any of the mechanics , all that would happen is scale the hp down by a little and hopefully make tob more active.

#467113 How to get [ Dragon Defender ]

Posted by To gain on 26 August 2023 - 08:45 AM

@Not Shadow, it seems you forgot the pkp store mister.