If it is in OSRS, what reason is there for it not to be purchased with GP on here? Weird how everyone else gets support on "If it is in OSRS, support" but you want to show no support because "just slay" ? Not that I didn't expect good ole Paragon to say no :)
No support.
If you're a normie vote, buy votes, do slayer, or buy from another player.
If you're a ironman vote, or do slayer.
Voting is needed to keep the server growing.
Slayer is just playing the game, even if you just want to do bossing get that boss task do it, go to the next boss continue until you have a cannon.
It is in OSRS, no reason it shouldn't be on here. And Ironmen can't use TP.
At first the requirements to purchase it seem hard to achieve, but its easily attainable as you play the game.
You are able to purchase it of other players via TP and it's not too expensive at all. Considering most will buy it for their alts in order to kill corp which potentially provides a large return of profits.