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Member Since 27 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2023 02:13 PM

#171266 Dutchie's QoL suggestions

Posted by Mortis on 17 March 2018 - 06:20 PM

Biggest one i liked was the auto casting Iban Blast, as a low level classic doing Daggs or Barrows this is used quite alot as it deals large consistent damage and in extremely cheap to use.

However one I don't go too much on would be the Unfinished pots by taking noted vial and herbs to Zahur. With this were you recommending say a stack of 5,000 vials and then you have to run 27 herbs in your inventory to him or were you're thinking more along the lines of taking him 5,000 vials and 5,000 Torsol's  then in return getting 5,000 unfinished Torsol's pots? If its option 1 I would be all for it if there was a surcharge to using Zahur rather than doing the option of making the pots yourself for free but taking longer. If it was option 2, that would extremely lower the amount of effort required to make pots.

You have my support.


Posted by Mortis on 17 March 2018 - 05:37 AM

I've nearly made this mistake myself. Support.