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Member Since 26 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2022 04:18 PM

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Fix boss mechanics before shelling out new content

21 December 2017 - 09:28 PM

I suggest we fix boss mechanics before we add the newest updates. Or we can keep getting stuck inside abyssal sire in second phase cuz that’s always fun. Or maybe! We can have 2/3 minions in Bandos still. /s passive aggressiveness and jokes aside, I don’t get why people wouldn’t want Zulrah to work properly or anything else, seeing as its a private server and we have access to end game equipment A LOT sooner than you would in OSRS. Make boss mechanics great again

Edit: Raids and inferno are a good example of what a private server version of bosses should be think all the other bosses just on a smaller scale. I feel like everything else is just a meme in comparison, everything just seems gutted.