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Member Since 05 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2023 07:42 PM

#407576 Dangerous gang of discord kittens bamboozle Paragon discord moderators for ov...

Posted by Horror on 26 August 2021 - 12:21 PM

In 1789, unrest grew from the French people. Dissatisfied with their current regime that gave privileges to, and treated the French ruling class and nobility as higher citizens, while simultaneously failing to meet the needs of the common people. The French people battled against this ruling class for egalitarianism, and equality of life regardless of their place within their current regime.

While many men were focused upon equality of life during this time, a French politician and physician, named Joseph-Ignace Guillotin was focused on equality of punishment, and death, regardless of class. He revolutionized a machine prototype previously devised by the then king's physician, and changed the outcome of the French Revolution forever.

Peeks guerrilla fighters and ICE insurgents present:

The Guillotine



I'm glad to announce that since our previous thread marking our return, things have shifted dramatically.

After releasing it we sat and watched the fireworks that resulted from forcing our competition out of the wilderness, even going as far to watch them congregate in voice chat immediately after and attempt to rationalize what had just happened to them.


Paragon discord has been VERY quiet since learning the news that they are absolutely INFESTED with spies, more and more members of theirs realizing the sinking ship they're apart of and attempting to save themselves via spying. Internally, they’ve been attempting to quell their members fear, trying to brainwash them that we would be leaving August 25th due to the re-release of Deadman Mode on 07!


We’d like to formally announce, regardless of what Lieutenant ‘gim crohn’ has attempted people into believing: We will be staying, this onslaught will NOT be stopping for the foreseeable future!

Paragon leadership has been HARD at work though MAC muting our members for scathing insults such as “Donkey” and “Victim”, filling up their VERY active NSFW channel, and hosting PvP events that we took EVERY prize from.


We’ve even caught them out in multi a few times, attempting to regain control over the wilderness that was once theirs. The results went as anyone would expect!



Wait… while writing this we’ve JUST now noticed something.

Look closer.

What’s that..?

Accidentally killing their OWN members! Maybe they took THIS time as an opportunity to spy hunt! Odd strategy but alright!


We’re going to do this in sections. Our kills on Paragon since our previous thread, a few cheeky kills we picked up on randoms, our exhibit on the namechanging creature known as Brad Jr/xPUNISHERx/Oregon Rs, and one of the biggest kills in recent Alora history we’ve been saving to announce for this thread.


Really not a great two weeks for them!
Let’s move onto some kills from randoms we picked up along the way!


Next, onto our exhibit of the mystical, namechanging creature known as Brad Jr! Or xPUNISHERx! or Oregon RS!


After slaying him for multiple max sets, he has decided to shed his identity using the power of a name change scroll!
We don't think he's found out about the ::profile feature yet, let's not tell him!8fa43e63ab7f100a97881e2cc0216221-png.jpg

Now we'd like to present something VERY special: one of the biggest kills in Alora's recent history.
We found this wandering the wilderness, obtained his loot, and managed to sell the entire set for a cool 9b!

That’s fun, we know. But we also know what you’re really here for.

And we didn’t skimp on the fun stuff this time.

Let’s take a formal tour of Paragon discord.

Welcome to #members-lobby, once a bustling, thriving place, it’s since gone quiet or members are only spamming gifs, afraid of what eyes may be watching!

Here we can find such beauties as:



Lieutenant Realmungard trying to convince people that the problem ACTUALLY is that they’re giving us fights, and that simply hiding until we left would be a viable strategy!



Spy paranoia!

And much more!

Now, welcome to #pk-lewt, their dedicated PVP channel (although they complain they AREN’T a pvp clan), only accessible by members with their @Shooter rank, (fortunately, that wasn’t an issue for us!)

Here we can find such goodies as:


To Gain unsuccessfully attempting to mass a whole THREE members to fight us!

It seems like low morale has been a thing amongst their ranks for quite a while, look at this time they couldn't pull ANYONE for a fight with Aftermath in the past!


Absolutely brutal!

We can also find things such as killpics (however rare they may be between the barrages of unsuccessful spamming)!


Truly remarkable, astounding, phenomenal.

For our final look through Paragon discord, swiftly stepping by the VERY active NSFW channel, let’s take a look at #announcements, the center for knowledge regarding Paragon activities!


Very sweet! We hope that possibly this thread will be the subject of their next movie night together!


Very sad! Always depressing when a leader has to step down from his clan!

We don’t know what’s next in store for us regarding Paragon, but we have NO doubts that if there isn’t loot due to them hiding, atleast we will be entertained from our internal surveillance!


This post was made with thoughts and prayers for previous member ‘smackingthat’, a senseless causality due to the rampant toxicity inside Paragon. We wish him the best in whatever he chooses to pursue next. Very tragic.

#344542 MONEY MAKING GUIDE: Melting old dinner forks for scrap metal (INSANE GP/HOUR)...

Posted by Horror on 26 March 2020 - 02:50 PM










#250717 African elephant poachers fire at large flock of animals only to find out it...

Posted by Peeks on 02 January 2019 - 12:41 PM

#336686 Professional Minecraft team logs onto wrong game, accidentally kills multiple...

Posted by Horror on 12 February 2020 - 11:03 AM

Had a few neat hits on Lithuanian gold farmers today! 

First took them for 10-0 in multiple way combat! (As a single team!) Some pretty neat lootations!




Hit them for another few kills in multi AGAIN afterwards!


Then baiting their leader Skill 99 out of ;;gamble and decimating him for max!




Also featuring some PRETTY impressive tanking by Fork/Socket in single, before he inevitably dies to a BARRAGE 15 seconds into being fulled! Very respectable.








#329372 PVP Suggestions

Posted by Not Mhk on 31 December 2019 - 12:38 AM

Hey thanks for the support everyone, I decided to add an item that's been on my mind for a very long time so if you have any thoughts on it feel free to reply :D

What I added: 



8. Disable completionist monkey for PVP

This is just my personal suggestion. In my opinion no real teams will ever come to Alora because of this very overpowered item. I know a lot of people would really dislike this but it brings more skill into nh / brid instead of just having more time played to unlock it. I understand it takes a while to unlock but the benefits are far too overpowered for pking. Maybe have it set as infernal cape or ma2 cape stats but having an all in one item that you can buy back for cheap as hell is ridiculous.

#329346 PVP Suggestions

Posted by Not Mhk on 30 December 2019 - 11:14 PM


#316089 Pool at furnace

Posted by J boogs on 30 September 2019 - 02:31 PM

@J boogs Yes like i missclick that mfker all the time, annoying thats all

Totally understand, which is why I offered the suggestion to just switch sides :P Only makes sense to keep the two decanters for herb together.

#301300 TRAGIC: Stewie3k dies for ANOTHER 250m, candlelight vigil in Vilnius, Lithuan...

Posted by Horror on 20 June 2019 - 01:54 PM




Second 250m+ death in 3 weeks.

Praise Allah. 

Stewie, this prayer ( 
Protect_Item.png?e0e1a will allow you to protect your most valuable item (even when skulled) when you die. Remember to activate it!



#298486 Realism Mode + $1,500 Tournament Announcement

Posted by Omicron on 02 June 2019 - 07:11 PM


June 4th Changes:

  • Drop rate boost removed:
    • After receiving feedback from players, the drop rate boost was unnecessary for a realistic game mode, and posed a risk of increased item flow to the normal game economy (through killing Realism players) which is not necessary. Thus, we've removed this boost.
  • Launch time change:
    • We've decided to make the release time earlier, it will still be this Friday (7th of June), but will be at 12pm (noon) EST rather than 9pm. This is 4pm server time!
      • This will give participants the full weekend to level up and get a good start on the competition.
  • Clarification on in-game restrictions:
    • Bloody keys and Wilderness supply chests (also being released this Friday) will initially be unavailable to Realism players for the tournament. This will be polled after the tournament.


Hello everyone,

We're excited to announce Alora's upcoming game mode! Realism mode will be the most challenging of the game modes we've released as of now, and will appeal to only the most dedicated of players. This game mode will also bring a fresh, new economy into the game, as well as a new highscores, where you'll have a chance to start from scratch and be the first to obtain the rarest items and reach the top of the leaderboards. We've included all of the specifics below. The game mode will be released at approximately 12pm EST / 4pm Server time, this Friday (7th of June, 2019).

We're also announcing another $1,500 USD PvP tournament, which will come out along with Realism mode! We're looking forward to hosting this competition and seeing how players progress throughout the week, as they grind to get their levels up and obtain the best gear for the tournament.

Realism mode details:

  • 2x XP rate
  • Trading only allowed between Realism mode players
  • Unique armour
  • Unique realism-only sword with slightly higher bonuses than an Abyssal whip.
    • This will be released after the tournament.
  • XP boost restrictions:
    • Vote books cannot be stacked.
    • Vote books can only be used once every 12 hours.
    • Booster scrolls can only be used once every 3 hours.
  • Other restrictions:
    • Bloody keys and Wilderness supply chests will be initially unavailable to Realism players, and will be polled after the tournament.

$1,500 PvP Tournament:

  • The tournament will run from Friday, the 7th of June at 12pm EST / 4pm Server time, and run until the 16th of June (Sunday), lasting a total of 9 days. The exact time of the tournament on the 16th will be announced in the near future, along with registration to confirm that you will be attending the tournament.
  • Only Realism players can participate in this tournament, and those who participate will be entered into a tournament bracket where they will fight their way through the ranks.
    • At the end of the tournament, the top 3 players will be rewarded.
  • Rewards:
    • 1st. $1,000 USD
    • 2nd. $300 USD
    • 3rd. $200 USD
  • Payment methods:
    • Winners can choose to be paid through PayPal or Alora tokens/bonds, with those choosing tokens receiving 50% more in tokens.

Other details:

  • Bonus experience (50%) will be provided upon release, and through to the end of Saturday (7th to the end of the 8th) on the first weekend.
  • Donator ranks cannot be transferred to Realism accounts until the tournament has concluded.

We hope to see all of you participating in the tournament and the new game mode! Good luck to those of you who do participate in the tourney :)

Best regards,
Omicron & Alora Staff Team

#298487 Realism Mode + $1,500 Tournament Announcement

Posted by Ultistic on 02 June 2019 - 07:20 PM

Hello i will be winning lol ty for 1k dollars

#288694 CVI o.O

Posted by Horror on 18 April 2019 - 02:25 AM

as cvi leader i have promptly kicked him haha lol.................. 8-)

#285088 CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

Posted by Code 002 on 04 April 2019 - 02:42 AM

I must admit you got me fair and square. But I am curious where the first 2 minutes of spear specs and ags specs are. Now I have to get another looting bag (heck).

#285106 clearing tings up 8-)

Posted by Horror on 04 April 2019 - 04:20 AM

Confused men rly want 2 talk. 


Let's address every kill in their video one by one.

Fuck POGs? Random from SS.

MHK? A Recruit from ICE.



Gwatti is a Dynasty member.

Code 002 is a staff member and ironman who is friends with Peeks and not a member.


NONE of these are Peeks members. 

Let's see the true quality of CVI.

Forced into a merge with Liths a few days after joining? Check.




A Confused and shaky merge against a team that pulls 10 people? Yep.

Dying to ironmen? Double check.




Avoiding any fights against non pvm clans in single? Refusing our SRI? Check.




Admitting to not being used to fighting on an 07 based server? 
Too used to divines and chaotics? (Even those don't save them there, join Peeks public discord to see why!)


PVMing out of confusion?

Killing random naked ironmen and telling them they're "smoked"? Lol??????

Very very very awkward. :/

Join #Peeks public discord to keep up with us and PM an official or above to discuss spying.

Maybe having our memberlist will help you lads not be so confused next time.

#283213 I like him/I dont like him Game <3

Posted by DB Aspect on 29 March 2019 - 03:20 AM

@Didden and @Didden

#283185 I like him/I dont like him Game <3

Posted by Cebrail on 28 March 2019 - 09:28 PM

Héllo and welcome 2 my Weekly Off-Topic Forums Minigames!


Minigame: Name 2 people in the comment/ tag them.


One of them you like and the other one you dont like at all!

And your not allowed 2 say which one you like and dont like.



