I feel that it is sort of too easy to get pkp points in the wilderness, now. Not only can players drop mysterious emblems, but monsters and other bosses can drop them, too. Two reasons why pvp is dead on this server are because some players just don't have the balls to go into the wilderness and risk losing their items and because of wilderness bosses and NPCs that are roaming the wilderness, in which they drop mysterious emblems at the same rate as players in the wilderness do. I'm okay with bosses and NPCs dropping caskets, but I think that they should not drop mysterious emblems, just my opinion.
So far the only pets I have are 4 stupid rock golems and 1 beaver. What exactly is the rate for getting skill pets? Like 1/12700? Yea it needs to be decreased by like at least 1/5000 or less. I've burned like more than 6k logs and still no Phoenix pet. Why do you do this to me?
It sort of sucks whenever you get a Lizard Shaman task for slayer. Yesterday, I was doing Lizard shamans, and I was the only person there. What happened was while I was fighting one of them, there was this other shaman who was also attacking me, but with range/Mage, and as a result I kept dieing by them, because they keep double teaming me. Also, they keep doing that ridiculous jumping air assault attack, which you can't even escape from, I think they shouldn't be able to do that. The spawn rate for them is okay, I don't have a problem with that, it's just that when your all alone there, those shamans can team on you, and it really sucks.