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Member Since 13 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2022 10:32 AM

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alora ends

01 June 2018 - 11:19 AM

hello guys, heres the alt acc of ventraliize.


I got banned today for rwt.

the prove they got is tradelogs that some1 gaved me 100m 10 months ago.

now a few days ago that person got banned for rwt and so they instantly call that prove to ban me either.


people believe who or what you wan't but I legit didn't rwt.


Cuz I get bank wiped and il give away the shit on my other acounts I'd still like to thank y'all for a great time on this server.

Whoever called this 'prove to ban me'karma will get you.


greetings, Ventraliize