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Member Since 12 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2025 09:52 PM

Topics I've Started

Well of Goodwill Rework - Concept

03 February 2023 - 06:50 PM

This is obviously a topic that gets brought up time and time again but closed mouths can't get fed.

 I realize if it requires development time, it needs to be worth it. Right?

It's just a suggestion. Add your thoughts and opinions. It won't hurt my feelings.


What is your suggestion?:


1. Reworking how the Well of Goodwill is activated and utilized

2. Allowing personal (temporary player-only) boosters based on personal Well contributions

3. Choose between personal contribution (temporary XP boost) or global (server-wide) bonus

4. Change the Well to operate on 2 hour intervals

5. Would have to potentially make an interface to display total value BEFORE contribution confirmation (huge downfall)


Part 1: The Coffer


Add a coffer directly west of the Well that will hold a maximum target limit valued at 1B gold pieces

When the server-wide bonus timer reaches 0, GP contributed in the coffer, if any, will be used to re-activate server-wide bonus

Depending on the amount donated, the 120 minute boost amount will be activated to provide bonus XP as seen below:


- Based on total GP value total donated

- 2 hour FILL rotation

-1B = +50% XP for 120 minutes

-750M = +45% XP for 120 minutes

-500M = +40% XP for 120 minutes

-250M = +35% XP for 120 minutes

0-250M = +30% XP for 120 minutes

This number will be HALVED for HCIM


We can obviously adjust the numbers in the replies below


Coffer Options:


- Check Amount

- View Time Remaining

- Contribute to

- View Help


How It Would Work


Use GP or Items to contribute towards the Well's 120 minute global bonus 

Use GP or items to gain temporary XP boosts based on amount donated (see below)

  Well of Goodwill 'Contribute to' Option 1: Contribute towards global / server-wide  bonus

Well of Goodwill 'Contribute to' Option 2: Contribute towards personal contribution


Items that are contributed are valued roughly to half of current Exchange / High Alchemy value, whichever is higher


Part 2: Personal Contributions


At any given time, a player can decide to contribute to the Well of Goodwill while it is active or inactive

This will be great for those looking for a temporary boost during a time a boost is not present

Personal contributions work in conjunction with the current global bonus rotation


If you choose to donate toward personal contribution:

20M value = 20 minutes of +50% XP 

30M value = 30 minutes of +50% XP

60M value = 60 minutes of +50% XP

120M value = 120 minutes of +50% XP (capped)

Basically 1M in item value = 1 minute of +50% XP


Part 3: Completely optional


An addition we can have is the option when contributing items to contribute towards +50% XP or +20% temporary drop rate boost

This effect CAN NOT stack with:

- Drop rate booster

- Raid booster

- Clue booster

- Pet booster

- Gauntlet booster


Part 4: Putting It All Together


Player A chooses to donate GP towards the server-wide (global) bonus 

Player B chooses to donate Items towards the server-wide (global) bonus

Player C chooses to donate GP towards personal contribution

Player D chooses to donate items towards personal contribution

Personal contributions will NOT stack with store boosters 


Item values are based on half of current Exchange / High Alchemy values, whichever is higher


The +50% Loyalty Points for those who contribute will remain unchanged.


Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


No but similarly


How would this benefit Alora?


This will incentivize players to sink their wealth to gain temporary boosts for themselves and/or the entire server

Incentivize players to pool together to reach a certain threshold thus theoretically causing players to contribute rather than 1 player

Sink GP and overflow of items from the economy




At the very least, thank you for reading. Cheers.