What rank are you applying for? - Lieutenent or even Captain would be better obv
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i am a old veterant player who been playing for more then a years then left for aprox 8months im quit old in-game know lots of tips and been captain on my previous cc *Ironman og* im really active player and alway here to help anybody when i am free and obv having higher rank is alway helpfull when your active player so you can deal wth drama or kick the seed from the chat if they dont take our warning serious ;D
Do you agree with our rules? - Everyone must agreee with any rules so yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - reason why i like ice its because its quit active alots of ppl in and lots of chats goin on its never bored and since ironman og is dead since i got back in-game well i take ice as my new family now so i would like to be a part of the fam