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Member Since 01 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2018 04:54 AM

Topics I've Started

Pet boosts

24 March 2018 - 05:00 AM

Hey, so we pay 10M or something I should say y'all pay for it, I aint paying for anything unless it's gonna benefit me, buy anyways, we gotta pay lots of cash idk how much it is 5-10m, something like that for our pets to stay with us other than that they don't really have any use, hence why I'm not so very excited about pets.

What if:

We spice things up here and Skilling pets have a hidden boost to them, for example, beaver gives you a 5% to cut 2 logs or note them and so on, for all the skilling pets there are.

And for bossing pets like Zulrah pet, maybe a 1/25 chance every kill to hit the rare drop table or something else unique to that pet. It's not overpowered if I think on how rare bossing pets already are but other unique features would be cool too. Or idk just make it fair and make it so every bossing pet has a unique feature to it, like a small boost or whatever. Lets make pets great again. Also, if this isn't already in the game a feature to hide other people's pets? I don't like being in edge bank and having all these pets around. If we could toggle that that would be great.


Please share me your thoughts, im so very interested to hear what you have to say about my suggestion. Perhaps you have some cool feature you would like added to a certain pet? Make sure to let us all know about it so this silly idea could perhaps turn into something genius. Thanks, many thanks for reading, your support and input would be great!


@Papa @Omicron


This is more for the skilling pets, the bossing pets, I just thought they should have something too you know. But mostly skilling pets should have like 5% to catch 2 fishies or an extra 10% to note fish in the inventory when you have a heron following you. Stuff like that. Spice things up. Kind regards

bank presets

03 March 2018 - 02:11 AM

so what is this?

if you're familiar with call of duty this would be similar to your class setups


so you set your "class" by right clicking the bank (or an icon next to bank equipment) and then you set it up, choose what items you wear and such and after that you name it and save it so next time you need to do a kalphite queen task you go to your bank, rightclick to setups and if you named them you would see kalphite queen and click it and you would instantly wear your veracs armour, you can bank all your items you wear at once it would only make sense you can do the reverse.


you can even make it a thing where donors get to make more presets starting at 5 for reg up to 10.

This would make banking optimal imo like all we can do at this point is shut up and not complain about the bank.


idk, lmk what u guys think.

papa @Omicron , make us happy :) pl0x

sharing is caring

28 February 2018 - 07:58 AM

I wanna share some nostalgia with you guys if you dont mind

with the help of musik


lets get naked

Homage to Omicron

05 February 2018 - 06:42 AM

I just wanna say I think what Omicron does is great, like what other rsps strives so hard as this one to come up with good new stuff ? Not one.


This guy had first raids, then the new kiln (idk the actual name) new jad waves there, now dragon slayer 2 on which he is working and lots of other stuff I mean damn this is good stuff omicron


Somebody give this guy a medal

Praised be omicron


I luhh you papi chulo

pls love me @Omicron i never had a real dad therefor you are


And also many other rsps are promising shit and they let you wait for it for ages when omicron says hey boys im doing the runite dragon stuff I believe him 100% and the delivery is fast


thanks omi da homie im not joking this guy is great im saying stupid stuff inbetween but this is a real homage duud


05 February 2018 - 06:26 AM




