Looks pretty rad brother.
- Skilux likes this
Posted by Kinben on 17 March 2018 - 06:08 PM
Posted by Kinben on 04 October 2017 - 07:03 AM
I think this would work if we maybe had 1k players as a playerbase instead of the average 400-500 online. The more players = the better deadman. Wouldn't be very fun if one player killed 3 people and just won the game because of such a large advantage.
Posted by Kinben on 04 October 2017 - 05:57 AM
I can't explain it, but clues don't work like that on here. you have to finish 1 clue before you can move on to the next. You can argue with me but thats just how it is. sorry, I'm just trying to help.
I believe you can do multiples just they'll keep adding steps.
Per- say you can do multiple clues at once (Was doing this yesterday). You just can't get all the caskets at the same time if I'm not mistaken.
If anything i'll wait until I have 28 clues to do here (Sitting on 17 or so) then I'll add more information on how I did them etc.
Posted by Kinben on 03 October 2017 - 10:29 AM
Love the idea, I have yet to do shamans on here but I absolutely love doing them on osrs. Heavy Support.
Also like the idea of having no safe spots for them. This may be a private server but that doesn't mean one of the best weapons in the game should be super easy to obtain.
Posted by Kinben on 02 October 2017 - 07:07 AM
As for seeing this with my own eyes the Super Donar Zone seems absolutely deserted.
Could we possibly have 10-15 Red Chinchompas added to the Super D Zone? (Ones that work) I've also noticed some Red Chins can't actually be caught in DZ as is.
Also maybe buff the gem rocks so you can mine more than 1 gem per rock like Coal etc? Seems very underwhelming in exp and lots of very low gems given.
Open for other ideas, SDZ really needs to get some more in the area. Currently it holds 99 thieving stall and very low gem rocks with TONS of open space.