Congratulations to everyone who got promoted to the server staf! Good to see so many people willing to help the community.
Also sad to see Otto leave. Hopefully it is not something big and I hope he will be okay soon. :)
- O T T O likes this
Posted by Klassieker
on 09 April 2018 - 12:48 AM
Congratulations to everyone who got promoted to the server staf! Good to see so many people willing to help the community.
Also sad to see Otto leave. Hopefully it is not something big and I hope he will be okay soon. :)
Posted by Klassieker
on 28 March 2018 - 01:33 AM
Hello all,
I have thought about the following two suggestions:
1: Currently, the random event rewards usually get dropped because they are pretty much 'useless'. It can perhaps be possible to give these an alchemy value of 10-25k (so that people will actually keep these and alch them later). The value can be determined overtime. It would make the random events more exciting and less annoying.
2: It could be possible that a daily login bonus can be implemented for everyone. This bonus is computer device + IP based and can only be done per 1 account (so if I log in with another account on the same laptop, this should not work). Here an example of it:
Day 1: 25k casket
Day 2: 50k casket
Day 3: 75k casket
Day 4: 100k casket
Day 5: 150k casket
Day 6: 250k casket
Day 7: 500k casket
Note that this is only a creative idea of myself and not a priority or anything like that. Perhaps these two can be optional for the future?
Let me know what you think. :)
Posted by Klassieker
on 22 March 2018 - 12:16 AM
This is NOT implemented yet in OSRS, but in RS3.
Since we already can have more than 1 clue scroll of each type (I myself got around 80 elites and 70 hard clues), It would make clue hunting a bit easier if the clue scrolls get stacked in the inventory (instead of an inventory full of clues). I commonly have to check each clue back if it was an easy, medium, hard or elite one, while a stack of these clues would be a bit easier to take with you. It not only safes space, but it also saves ordering the inventory for all the clues that get carried with you.
After completing a clue, the number of carried amount of clues will decrease with 1 and the casket gets in the inventory :) . I have made an example of it below (sorry if my photoshop is bad, I still use paint for it, but you get the idea !)
Let me know what you think! :)
PS: The maximum limit in RS3 is 25 stackable clues.
Posted by Klassieker
on 19 March 2018 - 02:14 AM
Every time I want to do a certain boss without an instance, someone is 95% of the time there. Usually after their slayer task is complete, since I am not that type of person who just steals a kill from a boss. If it is finally my turn to kill the specific boss, a random person comes out of nowhere and steals all kills (after I make around 2 to 5 kills). This can frustrate if you do your slayer task or hunt for the specific pet.
My suggestion is that there can be a possible instance for these bosses. I am talking about these two bosses:
1: Thermonuclear Smoke Devil
2: Giant Mole
The costs of these instance could be as high as KQ (around 3 million coins), since these bosses don't drop very expensive items (unless you count the occult necklace and the smoke battlestaff ofcourse). The price of the instance can be changed of course, I only leave a suggestion and it is for the staff to decide if this is a good idea :) .
Let me know what you think !
Posted by Klassieker
on 17 March 2018 - 02:53 PM
Is the purple light shown to all players (even if only one has a rare drop)? Or is it only shown to the player who has rare loot?
Only for the player who gets the unique drop.
Posted by Klassieker
on 17 March 2018 - 01:24 PM
After completing a raid in OSRS, a purple light will appear above the chest if you get a raid unique item and a white light if you receive supplies only. In Alora, the chest always shows a white light, even when you get a raid item (I saw this in several Alora raids video's on Youtube and when I had a raid drop myself). Perhaps this can be implemented to make a raid drop even more exciting?
Let me know what you think :).
Posted by Klassieker
on 17 March 2018 - 05:28 AM
Posted by Klassieker
on 15 March 2018 - 08:34 AM
Currently, the dragon scimitar protects over a dragon pickaxe. Since the dragon scimitar is a shooting star reward, people could lose their dragon pickaxe without knowing this.
Perhaps this can be fixed, so people won't lose their dragon pickaxe? And I think I would rather lose a 100k dragon scimitar than a 20 million dragon pickaxe.
Posted by Klassieker
on 13 March 2018 - 11:48 PM
These seeds and spirit seeds currently don't work when you want to plant them. These seeds provides the highest base chance of getting a Tangleroot in OSRS (both 1 in 5k, which would be around 1 in 625 base in Alora). However, it would be realistic if the spirit tree takes 12 hours to grow, since this takes normally 2 days and 10 hours. One of the locations could be the patch in Draynor village. Perhaps some other teleports could be implemented for the other patches.
Let me know what you think of the idea. :)
Posted by Klassieker
on 13 March 2018 - 01:47 AM
Awesome guide. Hopefully this can be topped, so I can try this in the further future.
Posted by Klassieker
on 12 March 2018 - 01:21 AM
Experience lamps would be amazing! Sometimes I also get annoyed for dropping the items. 100% support!
Posted by Klassieker
on 09 March 2018 - 09:42 AM
It could be nice to have it implemented, but it could also be possible that a H.A.M. member could be temporarily spawn somewhere to make it a unique.
I support your suggestion. but in the realistic way, I don't think this will be implemented very soon, since it is already easy to train thieve, especially for normal accounts. You also get a lot of clues by training fishing and woodcutting (if you are active ofcourse .
Posted by Klassieker
on 09 March 2018 - 04:45 AM
Nothing more to say than what the title says. I have made a quick photoshop how it could look like (I did it on paint and I am not a designer, so no trolls please).
The black part around the name should also be the background color by the way.
Let me know what you think :).
PS: You can only do it currently when you trigger your name into the legendary+ status and not with "classic" as primary play style.
Posted by Klassieker
on 06 March 2018 - 01:42 AM
This spell is used in OSRS to string amulets without a ball of wool. This spell does not work currently. Perhaps this could be implemented to make the achievement of stringing 250 amulets a bit easier? Let me know what you think of this suggestion! :)
Posted by Klassieker
on 04 March 2018 - 01:56 AM
I support most of these bullets, especially the arclight one. But I only don't support the barrows drops over yell, since this would create more spam over items over the yell and probably "rigged" when someone gets a double drop. It also would spam the feed when there are 1.5x Barrows points.