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Member Since 26 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2019 10:56 AM

Topics I've Started

Disconnecting in raids, grace period.

09 December 2017 - 01:38 PM

Raids should have a grace time. 
Last two times I've solo raided, I dc/d at the end, and got kicked out. Rip 45 minutes + each time. It's very frustrating.
You should have a grace period of like 2-5 minutes, if you d/c you shouldn't get kicked out and lose all progress.

Buff / Change Armadyl Crossbow.

30 November 2017 - 03:03 PM

Armadyl Crossbow is an okay weapon, but that's where it stops at. 
The only real use for it is in raids. Everywhere else Toxic Blowpipe out dps' it. 
I would like to see this changed, as it's a fun weapon to use, and if it was slightly buffed it would give reason to actually use it (outside of raids) and give you a reason to farm for items such as Odium Ward, Twisted Buckler, and even items such as Elysian Spirit Shield. 




My Suggestion:

Buff it just a little bit.

I'm not suggesting for it to be op, but at least buff it a little but, make it more in-line with Blowpipe, and give people a reason to use it outside of raids.