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Member Since 17 Sep 2017
Previous Username: King purple
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2024 06:44 PM

#464643 PvM League 3.0 - Information & Sign-ups!

Posted by Tauri on 21 July 2023 - 11:31 AM





Sign-up formula:



Point system:


#464519 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Assalad on 19 July 2023 - 02:22 PM

Account Name (IGN) - Assalad


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Elivated23


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Redcar


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - Great teammate, helpful to new players, and promote a positive and fun environment for cc.


What are your weaknesses? - Somewhat unexperienced with Ironman gameplay and can't be on every day due to working full time. 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been playing alora for quite some time, have been active, positive, and helpful in the cc and would like to participate in some more of the events that are recruit+! Any way I can get more involved is fun for me, and this seems like the best way to start out that process. Thank you for your consideration :)

#464501 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Real Denmark on 19 July 2023 - 11:55 AM

Account Name (IGN) - "Real Denmark" "Gim Denmark" "Real Helping" "Real Troll"


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - cliff#0049


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N / A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N / A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - Idk Its a long time ago


What rank are you applying for? - RECRUIT


What are your strengths? - My True Strengths is Helping All if I can :)


What are your weaknesses? - Very Bad to Spelling in English


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I think I deserve this Rank becuse I am helping as much as i can in the cc :)

#464459 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by StayinAlive on 18 July 2023 - 09:56 PM

ccount Name (IGN) -  Stayinalive


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Stayinalive#5534


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - the whole clan 


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - Any


What are your strengths? -  great at pvm, im full of knowledge, ive been playing this game for allong time


What are your weaknesses? - i plank when i try pking


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - i dont feel i deserve any rank, i just want to be officially in the clan because its great :)


#464394 ironman runes

Posted by Logan on 18 July 2023 - 06:29 AM

Support, pretty much what fopaanz said plus it being one of the main things late game irons spend gp on aside miscellania and recovering lost untradeables. 

#464391 ironman runes

Posted by Fopaanz on 18 July 2023 - 05:48 AM

Support, on oldschool u don't have to wait for the shops to replenish u can just hop worlds so I don't see a problem with making the stacks bigger.

  • KP likes this

#464387 ironman runes

Posted by Yautja on 18 July 2023 - 04:18 AM

What is your suggestion?: increasing the stock to unlimited or 20-30k for blood,chaos,soul runes in the baba yaga shop, I understand the rune packs were added but imo for the price of the packs its not worth it at all, by adding an unlimited stock or a large stock it would be a huge money sink for alora, a lot of irons would spend their cash stacks buying runes, I would personally.

Is this in OSRS?: kinda?

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: kinda

How would this benefit Alora?: money sink, no downside to this at all since the runes are priced much higher

#464176 Kandarin Achievement Diary reward

Posted by Serpent on 16 July 2023 - 04:42 AM

What is your suggestion?: Trade-in noted flax to Flax Keeper (at seer's village flax field) for noted bowstrings. In OSRS there is a limit of 250 noted flax per day maybe we could put a price on each flax noted for an unlimited amount of flax used. 100gp per flax? Or just make it the same as OSRS

Currently giving noted flax doesn't work on Flax Keeper

Is this in OSRS?: Yes 250 flax per day

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Odd prefix question

How would this benefit Alora?: Gives use for flax

#464211 New way to spend loyalty points!

Posted by 2 on 16 July 2023 - 12:04 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

Part I:

We all know that the current Loyalty shop is pretty useless other than maybe 5 things, my suggestion would change this.


This would require the addition of some new items, these would be new colored icons. Right now we have the barbarian outpost icons, a red icon, a blue icon and a rainbow icon which are all great but they are currently locked to the Store at a pretty decent amount of money. I got this idea came from the thermonuclear smoke devil color.

Part II: 

Add a option to Sir Loyle T to gamble our loyalty points along with cash for one of these new icons, these new icons wouldn't be locked to the Store, the current icons would still be locked behind the Store. (unless there is a change of heart)


Part III:

The new icons would be made so they aren't ugly, stand out customs like a lot of servers have. They would fit seamlessly into our current recolors like crystal armor, skin colors, capes, monkeys, etc. They would also be tradeable, that being said, these items would be extremely rare to get from Sir Loyle T. 


Final thoughts:

-Could also include items that OSRS declined but Alora has in-game, like the Bandos (or), Dragon claws (or), Barrows gloves (wrapped), etc, if there is any that aren't CA's.

-These new items could be purchased in the Store as well. :Poggers:  

-Maybe include the current blue and red icon in the prize pool but keep the rainbow icon locked to the Store?

-May need to tweak the current rates of loyalty points, depending on the price of gambling.

-Opening up the idea to the possibility of pet icons, like the hydra has?

-Could include recolors of santas, like anti-santa, inverted, etc.

-The tan, blue and brown pairs of "Shorts"  :patrick:

- Kits for corrupted weapons from OSRS DMM (Corrupt TBow, Corrupt Scythe, Corrupt ags, etc.) 

Is this in OSRS?: No.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?:

-Money sink

-Extra revenue from the Store

-Encourages less bank standing

-Encourages forum posts

-Gives more use to loyalty points

-People love fashionscape/rares


Feel free to share any feedback!  :PepePls: 



Credits: To gain for the corrupt weapon kit idea.

#464088 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by It Happened on 14 July 2023 - 03:17 PM

Going on what @Mufasa said I agree adding more crush bonus or something to counter the difference in the way the accuracy is between Alora and OSRS would be nice so that full torva is not better in scenarios where inq should be

#464090 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by mochiii on 14 July 2023 - 04:08 PM

I was doing a little bit of online digging for some better explanation on how to impact the Inquisitors armor on alora. Many stated above that we just simply need the armor to be BiS for particular activities to make it liable to use along with its passive crush bonus for having the set making it great to use alongside the DWH which now if u hit 0 it has no reduction. The link below best explains its uses and where it should be used. If somehow in the combat system of alora or the attack/crush bonuses of the set can be adjusted at said bosses to make the armor more liable that is what i support.


  • Cerberus
  • Kalphite Queen
  • Chambers of Xeric 
  • Nightmare and Phosani





#464037 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by Steel Nogan on 14 July 2023 - 09:53 AM

Full support on this. I have two inq pieces and ive rarely ever used them just as a “flex” or as a joke when i did TOB. Would like to see them used more.
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#464036 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by Real Cheese on 14 July 2023 - 09:33 AM

Full support that inq needs a change. Torva is way better than inq against NPCs weak to crush on crush attack style making the current armor useless.

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#464035 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by VARlANT on 14 July 2023 - 09:30 AM

Personally would like to make it more viable for crush than torva and if jagex ever were to do something to buff it on osrs then we should follow suit after the fact.

  • KP likes this

#464033 Inquisitor armour changes

Posted by Mufasa on 14 July 2023 - 09:26 AM

NOTE: Perhaps we could just boost the crush bonus the full set gives so atleast it excells at that since editing the defensive stats will be rather hard since it's avaible at 30 defence.

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