Ice best clan forever ! #ICE
- Aritus likes this
Hello I am Hentai Senpai ,
I play classic mode most of the time and have much fun while doing it.
I also lead a Clan called " CLC " with King Purple .
This Clan is classic only.
You can find Classic Laughing Coffing ----> Here
I Maxed out all of my skills on 21 of December 2017.
If you want to look my Stats up click ----> Here
My current Goals are completly maxing out some of my Skills.
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 24 June 2018 - 10:16 AM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 19 March 2018 - 09:22 AM
Hello everyone ,
most of the time when I do get a Black dragon task ill go to the brutal black dragons and I noticed that you get some noted Lava Scales from them .
I tried to ground them to extend my Antifires but it didnt work .
Since this should work I hope it can be fixed .
To make a normal extended antifire you need 84 Herblore and to make the extended super antifire you need 98 herblore .
I hope you guys like my idea to add this or fix it .
Have a nice day !
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 19 March 2018 - 08:47 AM
Best Overall Admin: @
Best Global Moderator: @Xuf
Best Forum Moderator: @F8
Best Server Moderator: @king purple
Best Event Manager: @
Best Server Support: @Marushin
Most active on Discord: @
Most active In-game: @Pkdealer
Most active on Forums: @Flowers
Most Respected: @king purple
Most Potential Promotion: @Dr Drew
Funniest Staff Member: @Dr Drew
Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple
Most Active In-game: @Not a Nerd
Most Active on Forums: @
Most Active on Discord: @Sexy Scape
Most Active Overall: @Not a Nerd
Most Wealthy: @casual
Most Addicted to Gambling: @Equalized
Most Friendly: @Binair
Most Respected: @king purple
Coolest Veteran: @casual
Best Helper:
Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple
Best Hybrid:
Best NH Pker:
Best PvMer: @
classic joke
Best Raider: @
classic joke
Best Skiller: @Not a Nerd
Best Clan: #CLC
Best Ironman: @Marushin
Best Hardcore Ironman:
Best Ultimate Ironman:
Best Classic Player:@Binair
Best GFX Designer:@Dumbshit
Best Youtuber: @
Best Streamer:@
Top Overall: @Binair
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 13 March 2018 - 10:20 AM
OFC i do support this ! I hate it to drop all the cosmetic items . Better change them for some juicy xp Lamps
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 12 March 2018 - 09:12 AM
I would really like this idea and would concider raiding more then 10 raids a day xD
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 05 March 2018 - 01:16 PM
Your Suggestions are nice and i do support them
The monkey one is a taste one but i would rather have a proper comp cape then the monkey
This is only my opinion but ya i would love the rest too
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 24 February 2018 - 03:23 PM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 24 February 2018 - 08:21 AM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 20 February 2018 - 04:55 PM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 20 February 2018 - 03:58 PM
Best Overall Admin: @
Best Global Moderator: @Xuf
Best Forum Moderator: @F 8
Best Server Moderator: @Savitr
Best Event Manager: @
Best Server Support: @king purple
Most active on Discord: @Omicron
Most active In-game: @king purple
Most active on Forums: @
Most Respected: @Xuf
Most Potential Promotion: @king purple
Funniest Staff Member: @casual
Overall Best Staff Member: @
Most Active In-game: @
classic joke
Most Active on Forums: @
Most Active on Discord: @Chelle
Most Active Overall: @Not a Nerd
Most Wealthy: @casual
Most Addicted to Gambling: @casual
Most Friendly: @Dr Drew
Most Respected: @Dr Drew
Coolest Veteran: @Unknown
Best Helper: @Dr Drew
Best Main Pker: @king purple
Best Hybrid: @casual
Best PvMer: @
classic joke
Best Skiller: @Not a Nerd
Best Clan: CLC
Best Ironman: None
Best Hardcore Ironman: @HC Proxy
Best Ultimate Ironman: None
Best Classic Player: @king purple
Best GFX Designer: @Chase
Best Youtuber: @F 8
Best Streamer: @F 8
Top Overall: @king purple
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 10 February 2018 - 02:16 PM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 08 February 2018 - 04:32 PM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 08 February 2018 - 04:15 PM
It would be a nice addition to the normal vials and i think its pretty anoying in raids . 100 % Support .
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 08 February 2018 - 04:11 PM
Posted by Watch Hentai
on 02 February 2018 - 11:15 AM
Hello everyone ,
recently we had the Classic Mode PVP Change Suggestion from @king purple.
I really wanted a fix for this too since it would bring more people into the wilderness and would reward the players that risked their items.
My Idea :
With this idea you dont really give much to the Classic player that killed the enemy then what you would get as a normal player aswell.
If you do PK in the wilderness and fight a Normal Player and you were able to kill him he drops a key like on DMM servers that provides you with the loot you would have gotten as a normal player too.
The catch is you as a classic player cant do anything with the key itself but you can trade it to a normal account. (Like a vote book or a bond "use" )
The key traded or rather gifted to your regular can then be exchanged for the proper loot at the bank or someone omicron decides.
In this situation you will get the loot you would have gotten when you had a normal account standing by on another client to run to the location to loot the stuff you should have gotten .
As a classic player you need to sell the Items you have and then swap it over to classic or buy a bond for it and use it on your classic account.
If this would be overpowerd in any way wich i cant even think of since the gear you risk as a classic most likely overwhelms the risk of the normal account by far you could lower the loot of the key to the 10 most valuable items from the kill but i dont suggest that at all .
I hope i can get some feedback from you guys and i hope we can finally change something about the PVP situation.